PSI TECH Press Release Regarding F.M. Bonsall's Theft of Company Property

Note: F.M. Bonsall has a prior history of theft of PSI TECH property.
See this page for details.


October 9, 2000

To: The Remote Viewing Community

From: Dane Spotts CEO, Joni Dourif, President

RE: Theft of PSI TECH property

The CEO and president of PSI TECH announced today they are filing a lawsuit against Mr. Frederick M. Bonsall for theft and illegal conversion of PSI TECH's confidential and proprietary remote viewing files along with other personal property taken in the theft.

On or about July 15, 2000 Frederick M. Bonsall, a former PSI TECH employee, illegally entered the home of Ms. Joni Dourif, PSI TECH's President and removed all of PSI TECH's project files. These files which constitute the bulk of PSI TECH's remote viewing product from 1989 to present, contain proprietary and confidential projects for which PSI TECH has invested considerable man-hours to complete. This work product constitutes a major asset of the company and the Board of Directors are resolved to do whatever is necessary to seek their return and to punish all involved in this illegal act.

A lawsuit is in the process of being filed against Mr. Bonsall and his affiliates to recover these proprietary files and as well other personal property taken by Mr. Bonsall in the theft. PSI TECH intends to pursue all legal remedies available including punitive damages. Anyone involved with Mr Bonsall regarding the whereabouts and/or the distribution of this proprietary data may be subject to future amended claims and also be liable for damages.

Those who wish to provide information regarding this matter and/or the illegal distribution of PSI TECH's proprietary data may do so by emailing to the address provided below. PSI TECH is confident that the court will award considerable damages for this outrageous act as well as punish those involved to the full extent of the law.

To respond please email:

February 9, 2001 Update:

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