PSI TECH's Official Position on F.M. Bonsall & Percept
Bulletin Board Messages
Subject: Is 'Percept' sanctioned by Psi-tech?
Date: 5/19/99 10:58:22 PM
I got this email SPAM today, and I thought it a bit odd. Ed, if this company is stealing your techniques, I wanted you to be aware of it incase you need
to take legal action against him. He uses TRV by name, dont you have that copyrighted?
If this company is legit, then great. Im all for teaching the world this stuff, but if not, I dont want anyone ripping off all the work you guys have done.
8909 W. Olympic Blvd. #xxx
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
T (310) 360-xxxx
T (877) 878-xxxx
F (310) 360-xxxx"
"Welcome to Percept"
"F.M. Bonsall was trained in Technical
Remote Viewing in January 1997..."
(Spam Ad Removed)
Subject: TRV (Remote Viewing) Instruction at Percept
Date: 5/20/99 12:29:53 PM
got the same spam message and I requested that I be removed form their mailing list. If it's not from Ed I have no use for it. I wonder how they got our
email addresses?
PSI TECH's Response
Subject: TRV (Remote Viewing) Instruction at Percept
Date: 5/20/99 1:03:19 PM
My apologies to all who have received the above-referenced SPAM.
A former PSI TECH independent contractor was involved in the theft of company information.
He is not a TRV teacher, and we are persuing legal recourse.
Again, my apologies to all spamees.
Ed Dames
October 9, 2000 Update:
February 9, 2001 Update:
© 1999 PSI TECH International, Inc. Technical Remote Viewing, TRV and the PSI TECH logo are registered trademarks of PSI TECH International, Inc.