
July 11, 2006
Eveline, fragmentos de una respuesta : Marina Zerbarini

Eternal Sunset

Eveline, fragmentos de una respuesta

Based on two stories of James Joyce “Eveline” and “A painful case”, the concepts of hypertext, randomness, simulation of alive and dynamic systems in real time are developed through the hypertext and creating a potential matrix of texts / images / sounds, of which only some will be updated as a result of the interaction with a user. It tries to make possible a different movement, a reading transformed into problematic, a read/write which multiplies the production of senses, the reader can interpret, organize and structure at the level of their perception and production.

Joyce's "Eveline" relates the history of a young woman who lives with her family in Dublín. The appearance of a man who would take her to live in Buenos Aires awakens in her fantasies about the happy life that she could have there, in opposition to her reality and the relation with her father. The unexpected end, if we can speak of an end in the Joyce´s writing (main motor of this work), opens the game to the interpretative wealth of the reader. "A painful case" relates the life of a single man who is related spontaneously to a married woman. The questions respect to the reason by which Mr. Duffy interrupts that relation are without sufficient answers.

These two histories are related semantically to this other Eveline, a problem of sort, inabarcable in their plurality, visual metaphor of several readings. It approaches questions, relative to the affection, the encounter, the transit spaces, the body place.

It also reveals the contradictions and/or paradoxes in the obsessive relation man /machine, repetitions in the human conduct and the investigations in the electronics tendientes of life simulation, also the unpredictable thing of the human answers. We could think, from these stories reading, that although the human being can change, the control it dominates its attitudes, it prevents the changes, repeat conducts and it is chosen, perhaps the opposite of which it is desired. According to Derrida, the Greeks concept of democracy was based on the ideas of brotherhood and brotherhood, concepts that did not include the relation with the woman nor between the woman. An almost not modified thought at the present time.
In opposition to this it is observed and it experimented in the work navigation, that in the machines, "the possibility of changing and of simulating an alive system" is only a programming question. It seemed that the change in opposition to the control, is much more feasible for a machine than to a human.

Posted by stunned at July 11, 2006 06:05 PM