What people say about PSI TECH's training courses

Learning Technical Remote Viewing can change your life and open up new possibilities you never imagined before. Below are just a few of the comments our trainees have about this breakthrough skill:

Feeling stagnate in my job recently I gave a blind target of Terrill Smith / Optimal employment / next 30 days to a couple of fellow TRVers. Some of their coinciding information was "working hard", "sweating". Some of their individual data was "to fix something", "a person in a car", "tools" and "just rained". Their coinciding data along with their individual data in each of their sessions most definitely pointed to a job working outside. (not my current job!!)

Well I sent out my information to a few prospective employers and walla!! Within a few days a job presented it's self.

I am now working as a catastrophe insurance adjuster which involves being outside, "working hard", "sweating", driving to different locations in my "car" with my "tools" ie measuring tape & camera ect. "to fix something". This is usually after a storm, after a "rain".

Did I mention the money is much better too!!

It's an awesome thing to know you're working your optimal job and on you're optimal trajectory.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You TRV.


Remote viewing has confirmed many things I've thought should have been possible, but was never able to verify through normal mainstream science. It has given me confidence and trust in what is otherwise known as "the universe," and has been a great booster/buffer in my personal/psychological/ mental/spirtual/cognitive development. Remote viewing combines intuition and the "gut feel" we all have with rigor and structure not normally found in new age circles. If you are weary of being flaky or fluffy, or want some semblance of the scientific process, in addition to wanting a lot of fun and pathways to meet new people, then I would highly recommend learning remote viewing.

Michael. S. - Arizona

As a historical researcher I find remote viewing to be a invaluable tool in uncovering new and exciting historical information.

Ralph J. - History Professor

The greatest benefit for me is to be able to find the truth, the bottom line, of any problem I focus my attention on. The best part of all, IT'S A WHOLE LOT OF FUN! I love watching the truth surfacing in the symbols of the series.

Mr. C., Malibu, California

When I first heard about TRV, I could not help but be fascinated with it. It is totally amazing that the average person can actually learn this powerful skill and have the ability to perceive information or observe events in a way one never dreamed was possible. Since other remote viewers claimed TRV would forever change your life, I decided I really must learn this too. Though I am still very much a beginner, I can honestly say it has been one of the most significant decisions I have ever made. TRV is fun, it works, and it really is a very natural thing to do. Even more important though, is how it changes the way you view yourself and life. Remote viewing can enlighten you in ways you never expected. My respect for TRV continues to grow immensely the more I use it. I consider it not only a privilege, but also a gift, to be able to learn this valuable skill. I anticipate learning even more exciting things as I continue to advance in my training. The possibilities that exist with TRV are endless.

Karen V. - USA

Since I have studied remote viewing with psitech I find that I am at peace with myself and the world. I find that I am more efficient at work due to the mental discipline I developed while learning TRV through the PSI TECH home study video courses.

Jane T. - New York

I have used TECHNICAL REMOTE VIEWING to help me solve some very difficult cases in which all the conventional leads had dried up. Thank you PSI TECH. You are doing a great service to humanity.

Richard B. - Detective

I have been utilizing TRV protocols for the last three years. I strongly recommend it for people who want to learn about themselves and human potential but also for those who want to discover the world around them. It is fun, inspiring, and actually works.


I was 47 years old. Having recently left a corporate job I hated, seemingly destined to accept a similar one once again. I plugged the TRV tape into my VCR almost out of boredom.... My life, my career, nothing has been the same since. The positive, practical and life changing knowledge available to us through the use of this skill is limitless.

Gene - Portland, Oregon

I bought the TRV tapes at the Leaning Annex course Joni gave here in Los Angeles, and they are fascinating, brilliant, so clear and easy to follow. I've looked ahead to Module 2 but I am really still in Module 1. I'm so impressed with the mathematical elegance of the skill and the wonderful presentation of it in the tapes.

Lauren - Los Angeles

If you want to learn how to remote view these video tapes are the Best means available! Additionally, for no additional cost, you can get one-on-one instruction in the form of individual critiques, if you post your sessions on PsiTech's Bulliten Board! I have been using the techniques demonstrated on these tapes for two years now and I have investigated what else is available. Shop the market and you'll discover these tapes are THE top flight intructional aides for learning HOW TO remote view. Developing the skill requires regular practice and self discpline; if you apply yourself ernestly, these videos deliver. Ever feel like space and time are a bit too constrictive? Spend some time learning to TRV and you'll discover space and time are not limitations to the non-local mind. If you work TRV, TRV will work for you.

J.S. - Santa Fe, NM

To PSI TECH Specialist,
I've just received the TRV basic training module package about a month ago and have gone through Module 1 packet and have completed viewing all of the Module 2 tapes. I've practiced my Module 1 gestalt identifying methods about 12 times already and am getting about an 80% correctness. For this I am astounded and happy with myself

Jim G.

The site we are digging right now was discovered by remote viewing. Thank you psi-tech , all the work was well worth the effort.

John S. - Paleontologist

I purchased these tapes and have been using them for some time now. I would say they are quite straight forward. As far as technique, the TRV tapes give you a step by step easy to learn process that anyone can follow.The tapes also inform you about how the process of Psi works. It is a skill that is trainable for almost anyone and highly effective. I was stunned by the results.

Anna - Toronto, Canada

I began learning TRV from the training tapes 2 years ago.   I have always believed in ESP from personal experience but I was unsure that this method would help me develop my skills.    After watching the tapes I realized that TRV worked. With practice I developed my skill and I decided to take it further by having personal training.    It was after this that I realized how far you can go with TRV and how good you can become if you put in the time and effort.    I think purchasing the training tapes is an excellent way to develop your ability to perceive the limitless data that is out there.


I began remote viewing years ago, but it was not until I discovered Technical Remote Viewing that I was able to have consistent success with my targets. The best thing I have found about its system, is that the structure does not allow room for imagination to taint my data. I have always had trouble with my imagination and thoughts quickly slipping into my sessions and turning them into speculation and fantasy. With Technical Remote Viewing, the structure and protocol is designed to eliminate clutter and "noise" that your mind tries to put into your session. The result is more accurate and complete data, and ultimately, more reliable data, which is vital for a successful remote viewing session.

Kimberly - Washington state

I find since learning TRV that I am more serious about my school work and it has made me a better person.

Brittany J. - High School Student

I had a great time in class. That taught me the way I should take and made me change my life. Thank you so much for your "super training". Now, I think I want to be a private detective. So I am training hard myself for my "optimum trajectory".

Three-day-course Graduate from Japan

Dr. Doom & Joni:

I see that the dog racing technique that you gave me on your 4/16/99 post has been read over 250 times. I hope other students are are applying the methodology. Going to the track at least twice a week since 5/99, I have achieved over $55,000 in winnings(I'm pretty aggressive). In August, I discovered that the same technique works for dog/horse racing that takes place in other states via satellite or live-streaming video over the internet, e.g. Kentucky, California. I've discovered first hand that time & distance makes no difference as long as the TRV probe is cued and executed correctly..amazing. I'll update you again on this endeavor in about 6 months.

Harold - Florida

Dear Joni,

It has been two weeks since I completed the nine-day TRV training course with you and words truly fail in describing the impact TRV has had in my own life. I am looking at the world and myself in a different way. The priorities of my daily life have changed. I have become more in control of my life and I have a new and different confidence about myself. TRV is now a part of my life and I will continue to use it to expand my knowledge and grow emotionally and spiritually. I can only imagine the wonderful impact TRV will have on my life as time goes on. It's important to note that TRV has not only changed and improved my life, but also the people close to me. I have sincerely recommended this course to my friends, and to many other people. Once again, thank you for the TRV training and the opportunities that come with it - I am extremely grateful.

Rick B. - Ojai, California

I received your TRV Library videos about 5 months ago and was apprehensive about beginning the course because of my 'Christian' upbringing. After researching this area in the original biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) I felt comfortable moving forward. 'Witchcraft' and 'Sorcery' were my main concerns. After discovering that a biblcal 'witch' is a 'smooth talker', or a 'whisperer'; one who manipulates others by offering 'smooth words and fair speeches'; and a 'sorcerer' is one who deals in illicite drugs (study to show YOURSELF approved), I prepared to begin my TRV training. After completeing just 6 sessions my accuracy rate approaches 90%! I am stunned at the uncanny ability to percieve these targets! I even went so far as to have my son choose the initial photographs and NEVER laid my eyes on them prior to the sessions. For those struggling with a similiar issue; know that even Jesus 'knew the thoughts and the intentions' of the HEARTS of others. It is now widely known that there are 3 main connectors between the human brain and heart, and research in this area seems to indicate the human heart has THOUGHTS of it's own! Electrical impulses of the human heart can be easily measured up to 8 feet away from our bodies. This is NOT about 'mind reading', it is something much higher than that! It is reaching into the place of knowledge that is available to those who are NOT afraid to cross the parted waters! Thanks PSI-Tech and staff for this wonderful new adventure!


Tom Bogan III (Former AG Associate Pastor)

TRV has been the most fulfilling experience of my life and I am 53 years old.
Know the Truth- thank you PSI TECH!

Carol - USA

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