Target reference material used in folder for target #1 (7261/4840)  - Image tinted for web posting.
Target reference material used in folder for target #2 (5431/9884) - Image tinted for web posting.
Segment of MOC image M16-00184
Area commonly referred to as "the face."

NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
TRN: 7261/4840
TARGET OF THE WEEK #67 (March 07, 2001)

Session 1   Viewer: Trainee 1
Trainee 1 has just learned intermediate level Module 2.0 skills. This is the third time she has worked up to S4.

Click here to view her 7261/4840 session.

(Click here to see other sessions by Trainee 1)

Session 2   Viewer: Trainee 2
Click here to view her 7261/4840 session.

Session 3   Viewer: Trainee 3
Trainee 3 is a young viewer from another country and must translate his sessions into English before posting. This composite sketch (Idea Template) is the only page he has translated thus far.
Click here to view his I.T.

TRN: 3211/7679

Session 1   Viewer: Trainee 4
Click here to view her 3211/7679 session.

TRN: 5431/9884

Session 1   Viewer: Trainee 1
Click here to view her 5431/9884 session.

Target reference material used in folder for target #3 (6214/7698)

TRN: 6214/7698
TARGET OF THE WEEK #43 (Sept. 11, 2000)

Session 1   Viewer: Trainee 5
Click here to view his 6214/7698 session.

Session 2   Viewer: Trainee 6
Click here to view his 6214/7698 session.

NOTE: These training sessions contain raw unfiltered session data that was obtained via Technical Remote Viewing by PSI TECH Video Training Course trainees of varying skill and experience levels. If you are unfamiliar with TRV terminology you will not understand the meaning of many of the labels and descriptions. This is not a complete PSI TECH project, but a weekly training target exercise given to students. Under normal circumstances, as a project, professional remote viewers would work hundreds of sessions, cues and targeting would be refined and much more high level data would be obtained. Before working a target, each trainee is given only a set of eight random Target Reference NumbersTM which have been assigned to the target by the tasker using standard TRV protocols. The numbers have no meaning or relation to the target, but act as a prompt to start the session. This procedure keeps the viewer's conscious mind completely blind to the name and the nature of the target. Immediately upon the start of a session, the viewer spontaneously produces an ideogram, which is the viewer's automatic physical response to the target. The ideogram often represents the general gestalt of the target or site in its most basic form and allows the viewer to lock on to a theoretical signal line and decode and decompress accurate data. The viewer continues to follow TRV structure and produces data during the session which flows in order from the general to the specific. When working the follow up sessions presented on this page, the viewers have not yet learned the original cue or received any feedback on the results of their earlier sessions. They were not told in advance whether the new targets were related to any prior targets that they worked. The viewers' summaries may only contain raw actual session data. A viewer may not go back and edit his or her data after ending the session at the conclusion of the Idea Template. A viewer may not put data in his or her summary that did not appear in the session. During analysis, after the completion of the viewer's summary, and after a break, a viewer then proceeds to make guesses and draw conclusions about the target which may or may not be accurate, depending on the viewer's ability to analyze their own data. Some viewers attempt to name the target during analysis, but they are no longer remote viewing or in TRV structure at that time. Analytical Overlay (AOL) is a term assigned to data which results when the viewer attempts to analyze or interpret his or her data during the session, or starts to imagine what the target might be or receives data that is out of structure. This information is usually wrong but occasionally matches the target in some fashion (AOL Matching.) Nevertheless, it must always be declared as AOL and discarded and the viewer must move on, lest the viewer succumb to AOL drive. Every perception that enters conscious awareness during a TRV session must be written down, declared and objectified. A viewer may not edit, hold back data or analyze the data during the session or their perceptual apparatus will become clogged, the flow of data will stop and they will not be able to correctly receive new data. This forces imagination to be dumped and prevents it from taking over the session, which allows the stream of data to continue. These very strict procedures which were originally developed by the brilliant psychic Ingo Swann and U.S. military intelligence are partially what makes this tool so accurate. 7261/4840 was PSI TECH's "Target of the Week" during the week of March 7, 2001. 6214/7698 was our "Target of the Week" during the week of September 11, 2000. Several viewers were given additional targets which are linked above.

Mars researchers have assigned names and labels to these anomalous features, such as "glass worms," "tubes," "tunnels," or "Mars Face." However, when working this type of TRV problem we do not want to assume anything about the target beforehand, and therefore we name the anomalous feature "target" and either circle it in a photograph or point an arrow to it. The photograph then becomes Target Reference MaterialTM and acts as a qualifier to the target cue. When the target is properly set up in this manner, you are not remote viewing the photograph itself. You are viewing the remote site.

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