PSI TECH Technical Remote Viewing Guided Tour PSI TECH Main Page
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PSI TECH Website Guided Tour

Welcome to PSI TECH Inc. online. This tour will help you become familiarized with the site and the information contained therein.

  • The navigation bar

    At the very top of the page, you'll find several sections which allow you to find your place in the site, and navigate within it. The topmost section identifies which section of the site you're in at a glance with an icon, the name of the section, and to the far right, a continuously available button which will take you to the TRV Online Training Area.

    Below that, you have a two-part directional navigation bar. Across the top is listed the main pages contained in your current section, so that you can move within the section easily. Down the left of the screen are buttons, which enable you to move between the sections of the site. Clicking any one of these will bring up a new page and new navigation information.

    To the far right of the navigation bar, on most pages, is a 'print' icon. Clicking this will load a page that is in simple, black and white colors with no background so that you can easily print the page for future reference.

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