The Stephanie Condon Disappearance

News story on the missing girl:

Followup message on this project from Ed Dames:

"Detective Perkins,

We are closing in on the missing child's location. Our current fix (high confidence factor) places both abductor and child in the vicinity of Glide. I plan upon conducting an on-site aerial recon of that area, next week.

Ed Dames

Another followup message from Ed Dames:

Thursday, November 26, 1998

"Detective Perkins,

I hope that your Thanksgiving Day was peaceful.

In Technical Remote Viewing, the more time on target, the greater the detail, and the higher the accompanying data confidence factors. We do not want to lose this child. At this juncture, PSI TECH has established the following:

1. Our best current cut places Stephanie (and her abductor's residence) within a kilometer or two of Whistler Bend County Park (along the Umpqua, between Winchester and Glide).

2. Her abductor appears to be presently employed as a route driver, possibly with UPS, within Douglas County. On the night of Stephanie's abduction, he was wearing a uniform and had a parcel in his hands (although, he may have been driving a POV, at the time).

3. The remainder of our TRV work will focus upon obtaining a physical description of the child's proximate and immediate location, augmented with on-site ground and aerial photography, if necessary.


Ed Dames"

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