Our customer, a large company with strategic oil interests in the Mid East, was concerned about a potential conflict's effects upon the near and far term price of oil. The statement of work directed PSI TECH to provide data and analysis on Saddam himself, i.e., his mind (intent, motivation, emotional and behavioural states), to penetrate his war room (for information concerning battle plans, operations, force strengths, and possible deception schemes), and to provide a six-month (September 90 - March 91) general outlook for the Gulf Region.
The PSI TECH client for this project was a major auto company. Our remote viewers performed a world-wide search for present key research and applied engineering work related to hydrogen- powered automobiles. We located and described engineering projects in North America, Japan, France, China, Germany and the USSR. Our final report placed emphasis upon the most potentially successful of the projects, and included sketches of prototype designs, and descriptions of essential associated engineering features such as turbines, flywheels, hydraulic and electric components, etc.
Our client was a very large engineering company.
Their R&D section wanted help in selecting or
creating the most economical technologies with which
to extract lunar elements (primarily oxygen) for
intended use as a possible lunar base energy source,
and as a source of propulsion for Moon-Mars
expeditions. PSI TECH furnished the company
descriptions/sketches of actual future lunar mining and
resource processing operations, and recommendations
with regard to power generation devices.
Please note: PSI TECH is not accepting private contracts at this time.
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