PSI TECH Correctly Identifies Source of the "Mars Probe Signal."

The Art Bell Show 1-27-00:

Art Bell: Okay well here's another one for you. Now, you remote viewed the latest Mars probe that failed. And, you said it burned up in the atmosphere.

Ed Dames: Correct.

Art Bell: This Mars probe, if I understand correctly, was supposed, had a main section to it, and then two things that were going to be cast off from it.

Ed Dames: Correct.

Art Bell: And would land separately. In the last week, they're saying they might be detecting an extremely weak signal, maybe, from this spacecraft.

Ed Dames: I saw that report and began to work it. It appears that that signal, for instance, the Stanford, this signal was detected by Stanford University's 45 meter antenna. So, the way we work this in Technical Remote Viewing, we have a histogram, we have an actual picture of the signal on a graph….

Art Bell: Right.

Ed Dames: We can take that and use it as a target reference. So, as Technical Remote Viewers, we could look at that, look at the signal's origin. Now, we would not want to use the word "source" if we had a photograph of the signal that stuck out from the noise, the background noise….

Art Bell: Right.

Ed Dames: Because the source of the photo would be an instrument on the ground, right?

Art Bell: Right.

Ed Dames: But if we use the idea of the signal, rather than the picture,

Art Bell: Yes.

Ed Dames: Then we can look at the signal's origin.

Art Bell: Okay.

Ed Dames: You see how literal this search is?

Art Bell: I do.

Ed Dames: I don't think it's any accident that the way our libraries are constructed and the way the internet searches are done is a direct reflection of the way the universe stores, the universal mind stores and references information and ideas. Very interesting.

Art Bell: So, then with regard to the source?

Ed Dames: So, the origin of the signal, when you remote view that, it appears to be a long tubular structure, in what I think is either, I haven't completed this yet, it is something in orbit around the Earth. And it's either a signal that's being reflected off of an orbiting derelict, or it's one of those NSA spy satellites or something like that..

Art Bell: But it's not the Mars probe?

Ed Dames: No it is not. It's something in orbit around the Earth, in periodic orbit, an echo or…

Art Bell: All right I got you. Hold on Ed. We'll be right back.

NASA says faint signals most likely not from Polar Lander

February 16, 2000
Web posted at: 11:48 p.m. EST (0448 GMT)

PASADENA, California (CNN) -- Scientists waiting for a call from the lost Mars Polar Lander may have heard a wrong number. Radio signals that offered hope the Polar Lander was phoning home most likely did not come from the spacecraft, NASA said Wednesday.

The $165 million Polar Lander has not been heard from since December 3, the day it was supposed to land on the red planet. Last month, NASA managers said faint radio signals captured by a huge dish antenna at Stanford University in California could be coming from the Polar Lander.

But NASA issued a statement on Wednesday, saying detailed analysis shows the "suspect signal is more likely of terrestrial origin and not from Mars Polar Lander."

NASA also said analysis of other signals captured by radio telescopes in the Netherlands, Italy and at Stanford "has not yielded any signal from Mars Polar Lander."

"We saw something ... that had all the earmarks of a signal and we felt we had to check it out," project manager Richard Cook said. "Based on the latest results, it is unlikely that we will attempt to listen again."

Wednesday February 16 7:52 PM ET

Scientists Backtrack on Mars Lander


PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - A mysterious radio signal that reignited the search for NASA's Mars Polar Lander most likely did not originate from the Red Planet after all, engineers said Wednesday after reviewing the transmission.

Radio observatories around the world pointed their dish antennas toward Mars several times over the last month to hear the signal that could have come from the $165 million probe. The lander vanished Dec. 3, just as it was beginning its descent.

``We saw something ... that had all the earmarks of a signal, and we felt we had to check it out,'' said Richard Cook, the lander's project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. ``Based on the latest results, it is unlikely that we will attempt to listen again.''

The new analysis suggests the original mystery signal probably came from satellites circling Earth or another source close to home, said Ivan Linscott, an electrical engineering researcher at Stanford University.

Stanford's 150-foot antenna picked up the original signal Jan. 4, but researchers did not know about it until recorded data was analyzed in mid-January. By then, NASA controllers had given up searching for the spacecraft.

Commands were quickly beamed to Mars in an effort to make the lander - if it was the source of the signal - transmit again at the same frequency, but the Stanford antenna detected nothing. Other failed attempts in recent weeks involved antennas in England, the Netherlands and Italy.

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