Art Bell: Once again, here's Major Ed Dames. Ed, the country has been gripped, CNN went into full time coverage when the EgyptAir 990 went down. Originally they thought it went straight down from 33,000 feet down to ker-smash in the ocean in 36 seconds. Now we have learned, through radar data, and the retrieval of the black box, that this aircraft, for some absolutely mysterious reason, went from 33,000 feet down to 16 and up to about 23, and then to the ocean. In other words, it did what the FAA called a controlled descent. They actually used those words. And came down from 33,000 feet, something you just don't do, in a commercial airliner without notification of ground control, and that sort of thing. And then plunged into the ocean. It actually also climbed from that altitude just prior to the plunge. So, there's…the auto pilot disconnected. There's all kinds of mysteries surrounding what the hell happened to EgyptAir 990. You've looked at it. What have you found?
Ed Dames: Well first I'd like to express my condolences to those who lost loved ones aboard that flight, Art. And as many of your listeners know, we've got, we have a good example of the way that we attack a problem like this on our web site. You remember the letters and the reports that we sent to the NTSB on TWA flight 800..
Art Bell: Of course.
Ed Dames: Where we said that the air driven pump in system three, that is the right inboard engine, that pump shattered and the shrapnel punctured the fuel tank - that it was indeed a mechanical error.
Art Bell: That's absolutely what you said. Yes.
Ed Dames: And the full report along with our diagrams and descriptions is available on our web site as well as media that you can view if you're interested in it.
Art Bell: And that is, by the way, the most conventionally bought explanation for what happened. So, okay. That was flight 800, now this one.
Ed Dames: Now this one. So, the way we as Technical Remote Viewers, the way that we attack the problem is to simply look for this pattern of information, cause and effect, know what the effect is. The effect is a crash, a crashed aircraft. We're looking or the cause. And those two patterns of information are directly linked in the collective unconscious. So, it's an easily searchable term and it doesn't take a lot of skill to ferret out the answer. So EgyptAir flight 990 crashed and we're looking for the cause of that crash. That's how we search this. After about forty-five minutes of work we have an answer. The answer is that there was a very violent altercation in the cockpit, Art. One of the crew members, or it could have been a flight attendant, it was not a passenger, attacked the pilot from behind. It was a very violent altercation that followed. Part, members of the crew tried to hold down a single individual, but the individual got up again and started, and essentially went postal in the cockpit. That is why, when the cockpit voice recorder is retrieved….
Art Bell: Wow.
Ed Dames: …you'll hear that on the recorder. That should be retrievable as soon as the seas reach lower levels because…
Art Bell: All right… here's a question for you. And this calls for speculation, unfortunately. If that's what occurred, will they, assuming they recover the cockpit voice recorder, would they release that, Ed, or not?
Ed Dames: Actually, that's an interesting question. And I think that the answer is yes because you're dealing with the safety of passengers. If something breaks on an aircraft, the airline industry needs to know that, and people need to know that so that fix occurs.
Art Bell: Of course.
Ed Dames: If something is wrong with a crew member, in this case, I know a little about the crew member. This individual was not balanced, felt very offended at something, and that's as much as I know. I did not go into the individual's mind or backtrack to his home life. It was a male. I think that….
Art Bell: It was a male?
Ed Dames: It was a male that attacked the pilot from behind, yes. Either a crew member or possibly a flight attendant. It was not one of the passengers. The passengers were oblivious to this until the plane descended.
Art Bell: Wow. I don't know what to say to that. That's….
Ed Dames: Well, it will come out. I'm pretty sure they've got a lock on the cockpit voice recorder. So if they retrieve that, it's going to have to come out. And the reason it would have to come out is because, simply, to better screen crew members in the future for stability, you know, emotional/mental stability. I think that, even something like that would have to occur. We do that in our armed forces when, in submarine crews, for instance….
Art Bell: I know. We do.
Ed Dames: I'm not saying the same criteria should be applied….
Art Bell: It never, you never fail to blow me away. Every time you're on this program. I think you're going one place and you go some place altogether different.
Ed Dames: Well, it's just direct knowledge, Art. We all have these conspiracy theories and we think we, mind tries to figure it out. But the truth is always very simple, very direct. That's why I love my work. Remote viewing is a great tool. It gets right to the answers. Nothing hides. Even more interesting is to turn the tool on to one's self…. take a look at those unanswered questions in your own life.