Psychic Warrior
By David Morehouse
St. Martins Press

Reviewed by: John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Colonel, US Army (Retired)

For many years remote viewing was one of the worst kept secrets in the military. As early as 1981 Jack Anderson had published newspaper articles about the program. That was followed by a series of books and other articles in popular magazines. Finally, in October of 1995 the CIA began to release previously classified information about the military use of remote viewing.

It was learned that during the 1970s and 1980s the Government had been involved in researching and using remote viewing under the successive code names Grill Flame, Center Lane, Sun Streak, and finally Stargate. It had been researched and processes developed via a breakthrough in understanding by Ingo Swann, and concentrated effort by Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ at SRI.

Some of the targets against which remote viewing was employed included attempting to locate American hostages in Iran, a kidnapped Army general in Italy, a downed aircraft in South Africa, drug shipments in Central America, and many others sensitive situations. Over the duration of the program there were some significant hits. The research aspects of the program produced mixed results. Based on an independent review of some of the material, and despite some positive reports, CIA decided to end the program. While they indicated there may be something to remote viewing, they were not going to support operational use of the technology. Any additional research would have to be done without intelligence or military support.

In 1988 then-Captain David Morehouse joined the Sun Streak program where he remained for a relatively short period of time. His assignment was based on psychic experiences he claimed to have after being struck in the head by a stray bullet in a foreign training exercise. During that accident, Morehouse states that he encountered an angel that became his personal guide for the years to come.

The accounts in his book are, at best, a highly fictionalized version of events that transpired. After attending Command and General Staff College, he reported to the 82d Airborne Division. The following year he was brought up on a number of very serious charges leading to recommendation for a General Court Marshal. Eventually, now Major Morehouse was allowed to resign, with a less than honorable discharge, for the good of the Army in lieu of the court marshal. While he does report this in the book, he totally glosses over the nature and seriousness of the allegations that include, assault, communicating a threat, sodomy, adultery (with his enlisted driver's wife among several others), larceny, and multiple conduct unbecoming charges. Additional charges were pending at the time of his discharge. For those not familiar with military traditions, while affairs may be tolerated, officers taking wives away from enlisted men is considered one of the most unpardonable sins. Yes, it happened in the Bible, but it didn't go over well then either. Morehouse does not even mention this affair in the book, rather he addresses one with a civilian women. He is less than honest about that engagement as well.

In Psychic Warrior Morehouse blames everybody except himself for his problems. In fact, he accuses the Army of driving him crazy through participation in the remote viewing program. This although he was already experiencing nightmares and OBEs. He goes on to state the Army conspired to get him solely because he was going to go public with the classified details of Stargate. This is hard to explain as we saw how little interest there was once the information was made public. Even worse, he makes a series of outrageous claims that would make any conspiracy theorist jump with glee. His allegations include Government attempts against the lives of him and his family, suppression of information he derived about the nature of Gulf War Syndrome, and use of psychic techniques to influence or kill adversaries. In his self-righteous rendition, it is he who has stepped forward to save the American people from the transgressions of the military.

The fact is this book is the epitome of hypocrisy. Morehouse, encouraged by St. Martins Press, has hit a series of topical "hot buttons" including, angels, Government assassination conspiracies, and Gulf War syndrome, family values, and wrapped them in the American flag. There is abject disregard for truth. Do not buy this book. If you must read it, borrow it from library.

PS: Complete detail about the Morehouse investigation are available via the Freedom of Information Act. You may contact Ms. Virginia Grenier at Ft Bragg, NC and get a complete transcript. She may be reached at (910) 396-5158, & 4840 (fax). You should know there are between 700 and 900 pages.

The Truth About Dave Morehouse and Psychic Warrior

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