Life Magazine article on Psychics and Remote Viewing
June 1998, page 98-101.

    I meet Ed Dames, the nation's best-known teacher of remote viewing, at the Beverly Hills office of Psi Tech, his psychic investigation firm. With his golden bangs, the retired military intelligence officer could pass for an aging surfer—until he opens his mouth. Another veteran of the psi spy program, Dames was not a psychic, but as a supervisor at Fort Meade he designed a protocol, Technical Remote Viewing (TRV), which he is now offering to the public, claiming it can transform anyone into a seer superior to "the greatest natural psychics in history." Using the system, he says, Psi Tech's six remote viewers have done contract work for Fortune 500 corporations (no names, please).
    Until recently, Dames taught TRV in a 10-day course costing $4,500. Today he sells it on video: $300 for a five-tape set. "I would have given my left you-know-what to learn this stuff," he says. "Should I deny it to the world?" Besides, he adds, "I got tired of hearing, 'If you're so good, why aren't you rich?'" Dames calls in one of his students to demonstrate his rigidly structured technique. A kind-faced, coffee-colored giant, Carl Totton is a school psychologist, martial-arts master and Taoist priest. Unknown to Totton—he was downstairs when Dames wrote "Julie/Present Time" on a manila folder and sealed it in an envelope—his task is to remote-view my wife. For 90 minutes he sketches symbols and diagrams, mutters disconnected adjectives, huffs and grunts with strain. In the end he has produced a drawing that looks remarkably like a map of my living room, complete with kidney-shaped coffee table. "The site seems to be a structure," he says. He points to three circles: "Life forms, huddled around an object." He detects a sense of mission, of muted anger, of curiosity mixed with revulsion. The main target, Totton concludes, is a middle-aged male.
    I phone Julie to see if she has any visitors or if she is grading undergraduate papers (which would explain the emotional tone). But no—she's alone with the cat, reading a relaxing novel. Dames guarantees 100 percent accuracy on Psi Tech's team efforts, and 80 percent on remote viewings by individuals. I don't know how to gauge the percentage on this one, but I do perceive a silver lining: On the basis of TRV, Dames predicts nuclear war between the Koreas this year—and he may be wrong.

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