| Notes on using the Chat Rooms
Java Client Operation:
Sounds played by others on mIRC clients will normally not be available.Your name is automatically inserted before your line of text, so others are seeing it even though it is not displayed on your screen.To send private messages, use the '/msg ' command. For example, to send a message to a user called 'Pele' type: /msg pele Hi pele how are you? The message on Pele's screen will show - <<mynick>> Hi pele how are you?
Commonly used symbols and abbreviations:
BTW - By the wayBBL - Be Back LaterBRB - Be Right BackTTFN - Ta Ta For NowAFK - Away From Keyboard
LOL - Laughing out LoudROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing:) - smiley face
:( - frowning face
IRC Commands:
IRC Commands are accessible via IRC clients such as VIRC and mIRC (some are also supported by the Java client).
msg - usage /msg <nick> <message> Sends a private message to a user.sound - usage /sound <soundfile> Plays a sound on the channel. Support for this may not be present in all clients.me - usage /me <message> Displays text on the screen as red 'action' text. (i.e. * Pele slams the door)join - usage /join <channelname> Joins the specified channel. Channel names are prefixed with the '#' symbol (i.e. #chat1).