Addendum to Ingo Swann Letter
Unedited letter from Ed Dames to Dr. Alex Imich (the “Alex” in Ingo Swann’s letter) in response to his question of how PSI TECH, operating as a business, had succeeded in accomplishing what the academic parapsychological research community failed to do:

Dr. Alex Imich
New York, NY 10023

November 11, 1992

Dear Dr. Imich,

The enclosed copies of PSI TECH correspondence are representative of our business operations. Note that the $35K figure quoted in the Gilead proposal was intended to cover four weeks of work, and attack a set of problems — not only AIDS.

PSI TECH’s genesis was the result of a fortuitous set of circumstances. For the parapsychological research community, I wish to emphasize, briefly, generally and informally, the key elements which I feel have led to the company’s success:

· Swann’s discovery — a breakthrough and an absolute stroke of genius — works. However, like any complex tool, it must be employed by trained users to be effective. RV training is long and arduous; a student’s behavior is conditioned to be highly structured and virtually robotic. To military types, such a training environment was ‘business as usual.’

· PSI TECH employees operate as a unit. Bickering, infighting, and jealousy amongst viewers are absent — there are no prima donnas. This is the military mission mentality, i.e., challenges are to be met by teamwork.

· {An old Army saying: “Never make the mistake of saying that you have twenty years of experience, when all you have is one year repeated twenty times”} — RV techniques were applied against an enormous variety of highly challenging, novel, ‘real world’ problems; viewer ennui was nonexistent. We had many years to discover remote viewing’s limitations and strong points. Moreover, whilst engaging in this work as an adjunct to our military duties, we were able to maintain continuity of operations and training from year to year, unencumbered by the angst of worrying about where the next meal would come from.

Feel free to pass these observations on to Rhea White, or anyone else that you think may find them of benefit and/or interest.

I look forward to meeting you on my next visit to New York.


Edward A. Dames

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