How to turn off AOL's default image compression

If you are viewing or any other web site through AOL's integrated browser, you are viewing images that have been degraded by its behind-the-scenes image compression. AOL's software is set by default to compress .JPG images further into their own ".ART" format, resulting in a far lower quality image than the artist created. The intent of the compression is to speed up page loading, by making the images on the web page smaller in size. This would be a great idea, except 98% of all web page graphics are already compressed (by the authors who create the images), and recompressing them saves little space, while greatly decreasing image quality. Fortunately, you can change the image quality settings. If you would like to view web pages the way they were meant to be viewed - with clear, crisp graphics and pictures, we recommend you follow these easy steps:

To deactivate this setting in AOL 6.0, go to "Settings" in the menu at the top of your screen, then choose preferences.

Select Internet Properties (WWW):

Press the "Web Graphics" tab.

Click on "Never compress graphics."

Any new images you view after this should display at their best quality.

To improve the quality of images you have previously downloaded, you can delete your Temporary Internet files.

On the "General" tab, under the heading "Temporary Internet Files," click the "Delete Files" button.

Click "OK."

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