The PSI TECH conference areas, including the public, private trainees, and chat areas, are provided free of charge as a public service by PSI TECH. As such, you do not automatically have a privilege to use or abuse those areas. This is a privately-held, highly moderated site.

PSI TECH's main purpose for providing these forums is to supply TRV Tape trainees with adjunct technical support to enhance the TRV learning process.

The conference areas are also utilized for trainees to discuss their work, compare sessions, make suggestions, exchange ideas, and converse about the effects that TRV may have upon their lives.

A valid Email address is required to register for the bulletin board. For security purposes we cannot accept email addresses originating from free email services, such as Hotmail or Yahoo!.

Non-tape trainees are welcome to visit and utilize the conference areas, however please be aware of the following:

PSI TECH Conference Area Policy
  1. This is not a forum for TRV controversy.
  2. We are not here to defend or to prove TRV validity.
  3. We will not display or respond to repetitive and redundant questions.
  4. Administrative or policy complaints about PSI TECH should be e-mailed to the PSI TECH staff. You can contact them via the Email Page.
  5. Netiquette is expected.
  6. Messages that contain vulgar language will be deleted and the offending user will be removed.
  7. This is not a democracy. Conference area managers' decisons are final. If you are found to be abusing the features provided on this site, regardless of whatever arguments you have, your access will be quickly suspended or completely revoked.
  8. All messages posted in the PSI TECH chat rooms, bulletin boards and conference areas become the property of PSI TECH International, Inc. Any reproduction by any means (print, radio, electronic or otherwise) without the explicit written permission of PSI TECH International, Inc. is STRICTLY prohibited. © 2001 PSI TECH International, Inc. All rights reserved.
If you cannot or do not wish to abide by these rules, please return to the Conferences Page.

Otherwise please click here to

© 2001 PSI TECH International, Inc. Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) and the PSI TECH logo are registered trademarks of PSI TECH International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Email with questions or comments about this site.