Tarot 101

Here's a personal testimony from Ellie Crystal on how to do Tarot Readings
and her thoughts on the mental processes that go on ... her website can be found
at : http://www.crystalinks.com


Responsibilities of a Psychic Reader

Many people of all ages are now buying Tarot cards
or other oracles of divination. Some people are
naturals at doing readings just as people have
innate talents at other things.

If the oracle you chose is helping you open your
awarness to the other side then it is a wonderful
experience. You should try many oracles to see what
works best for you. Metaphysics is a never ending
learing process to which the best in the field have
only touched the surface.

Remember that Tarot cards may not be to your liking--
that does not mean you should stop looking for some
other ways to tap in to the other sides until you find
something you are comfortable.

These choices could include, Runes, I Ching, many variations
on cards--such as Cartouche--automatic writing, pendulum,
palmistry, astrology, tea leaves, other. I use a regular
deck of playing cards.

OK--Now you have found something that works for you.
You begin to read for friends and family and you are amazed
at your accuracy in most cases. This is a good sign and you
should continue to develop you skills fine tuning your
connection to the other side.

Here are some of the questions my clients have asked?
Q: Why can't I read for myself?
A: You will answer based on personal needs

Q: How many times can I ask the same question?
A: The first answer received is correct

Q: Is there a particular way to place the cards that is best?
A: After a while you will find a way that is comfortable for you.
With Tarot most prefer the Celtic Cross.

Q: How seriously should I take my readings?
A: You bring forth information. There is still free will.
The person will decide what to do with the information
after you present it. Being a psychic reader is truly a
major responsibility as you are helping souls find / shape
their destines. This is not to be taken lightly.

Q: Does being a reader make me spiritual?
A: No! I have found that how you live your life makes you
spiritual. Many people who are spiritual never read for
others. I have found that all spiritual people are psychic--
but all psychic people are not spiritual. They just want
answers. There is no right or wrong.
Q: If I get a feeling of death or serious illness around them
when reading a person should I tell them?
A: If you are a beginner--NO! Do not get into very heavy issues.

Q: Are time frames accurate?
A: Mostly they are general. As spirit does live in space / time
they usually will not give exact dates. When they "soon"--
they can mean in five years.

Q: How should I know when and how much to charge?
A: There is no set fee. Some people read for free.
It is OK to charge though.
Start low and the right price will find you.
Spirit will guide you.
Many people who love your reading will tip.
This week I received a $100 tip from woman client.
When I start to get tips every day I know that spirit
is telling me that it is time to raise my prices.

Q: What happens if the time passes and my
predictions never comes true?
A: "Free Will" could have altered the time lines.
Other situations and people could have altered it.
Don't take it personally.
There are many factors at play now in the universe.

Q: What if someone asks me to use my psychic gifts to
change their destiny.
A: Say NO--bad karma for all concerned.

Q: Can I change my set of Tarot cards from one brand to another?
A: Work with whatever feels comfortable

Q: Can I create my own oracle of divination?
A: Of course. Many people do.

Q: Can other people listen to the reading I give?
A: That is between you and the client.
I do all readings in private. I do not like the
influencial energies of others in the room. As I tape
all of my sessions, the clients are free to share that
material after we are finished.

Q: Will the quality of my readings improve?
A: Yes! As you open up more you will become more
clairvoyant and clairaudient to a point where
you only use the cards because people think they
are a necessary part of the reading.

Q: Will I get weird sensations related to the reading--
chills, flushes, pressures in chakras?
A: Some people do--the sensitives. Others don't!

Q: Can I read someone while talking to them on the phone?
In a chat room? Email?
A: Yes. You are taping into their frequency!
Go for it!

Q: If I read by phone should I get paid first?
A: Always.
Q: In person?
A: Whatever feels comfortable.
I wait until we are finished.

Q: Can anyone learn to read?
Q: Would you suggest people try?
A: If they are balanced --yes.
If they are very trouble that will
be reflected in their readings.

Q: What if the answers are not what the person wants to hear?
A: State them anyway. The person will then walk away feeling
that you are inept. So what! No ego stuff here! And no
arguing! If the person is unbalanced--don't read them.
You do not have the skills nor experience to know what
to do. They will make you feel inferior so you will
question your talents. Don't let a screwed person do
that to you.

Q: Are readings legal?
A: Depends on the state you live in. In NY they are not.
You must either post a note stating:
"For entertainment purposes only"
or have other credentials such as I do as a therapist,
minister, etc. which allow for these sessions.

Q: Can I read better for some people than others?
A: Some people build walls either because they want to
challenge you or out of fear as they have deep secrets.
If you feel they are too blocked for you--just stop.
When I get into this situation--I see the walls--
I knock the walls down psychically then read.
I also tell the person what I have done.
You can also tell the person that you are there to
help them not challenge them.
Therefore they should shape up or leave!

Q: Are women better readers than men ?
A: It doesn't matter. All the same.

"I read each person on a different level as their soul and spirit guides dictate.
I have a basic reading that includes palmistry, a bit of numerology and astrology
(to focus), pictures the client brings, and cards. But that is no longer the norm."

"Generally I read time lines and look for spikes--bumps--marks--on the time lines.
They tell me about the changes. Many deceased people come to my readings--not just
in police matters but other situations. I spend lots of time with deceased entities.
Some of these spirits are so funny we laugh and laugh! Other times they bring more
serious information. What is really cool is when they suddenly turn to me and give me
a message about my work! I love when that happens as I have never had a spirit who
took the time to come here to lie."

"Many clients want to meet their spirit guides.This part I really enjoy! As a psychologist
--many people come more to deal with their issues than for a reading. Many clients want
past life information that I bring down for them by going into the acashic records. This is
most helpful. When I read cards--it is different than anyone else I have ever met. (I can
even do this with Tarot which is fun as I do not remember the meanings of the cards). I
take a card in my hand--eyes closed--and state what I see or hear or fell or all of the above.
Sometimes I get a quick image. Sometimes I get a lengthy movie type set of images.
Sometimes I manifest sounds or smells in the room I am working in--that connect to the
card and information given. I never know. It flows like a river. I can always get images.
Sometimes these images seem to make no sense but later they will. I can not always
translate what information I am give."

"Lately I have been drawn to talking to the soul of the person I am reading. The
conscious mind seems to be telling me one thing but the soul seems to have it's own
agenda. Man! Those souls are very spunky! The person will tell me what it is going to
do to improve their lifestyle and the soul will come in and argue telling me that they
person will not make changes due to laziness. I tell the person everything I get.
It is so important to know why your soul is here now. Most souls seem tired of the
repeated learning lessons and want to get on with the soul work."

"All in all, reading someone is a very serious responsibility whether you are a pro at it
or just a beginner. ALL readings will give you at least one bit of information you need
to hear. Taping readings --or taking notes--is best."

Copyright 1998 by Ellie Crystal
