Sedona, AZ

I've been wanting to write this page for some time - however, it has come to my
attention that paranormal happenings in Sedona have changed, and become more
frequent - and over the July 4th holiday I met a couple from Long Beach, WA that
have allowed me to put some "closure" on a particular aspect, so here goes :

Of the many major paranormal experiences I had in Sedona, AZ some six years
ago, involving spirit guides, and vortices; one event stands out in it's overall
simplicity for the more skeptic and science minded, in fact I was not fully aware
of it at the time. A friend and I made a three day "pilgrimage" visit there to try
to have some firsthand paranormal experiences, and we were NOT dissapointed !
The particular event was a repeating phenomena observed driving past the road
junction of Hwy 89 and Hwy 89a, heading toward the west. We crossed this place
dozens of times by rental car, since it's near the heart of the town, and the only
way to get from the Enchantment Resort to Bell Rock, Oak Creek, and all the
other vortices ... armed with a new age tourist map, I exhibited an odd behavior
that my friend noticed repeatedly. Even though there were no major vortexes near
the Post Office, she noticed that when driving West, past the Hwy 89a junction ,
right in front of the Sedona Post Office, that I would unexplainedly stop talking
in mid-sentance, and slow down for some moments, maybe 10 seconds, then
resume speed, and continue my conversation. Had there not been a passenger
in the car with me I doubt I would have noticed it at all. I started to observe it
for myself - and despite knowing this - I still took my foot off the gas, and then
coasted several hundred feet, seemed to "wake up", realizing I had slowed for
no reason, hit the gas and speed up to the 25 mph average there. And she was
correct that I could not talk without great difficulty when passing there in front
of the Post Office ...

While it was interesting that this happened each and every time we passed by
and while being told about it and still "slowing", as if I had seen a pedestrian
crossing, it still seems a minor paranormal event compared to everything else
that happened over those three days ... We parked near the Post Office for
quite a while to watch EVERYONE driving past do exactly the same thing,
but we couldn't tell if folks stopped their conversations as they drove by ...

Well, we laughed, since no map said that there was anything there in the vacinity
but I did have episodes of "tunnel vision" at some of the vortexes where what I
saw look normal, except like looking through the wrong end of the binoculars
with everything seeming wide-angle and far away including my feet !
I often wondered if there were "minor" anomolies near the Post Office
and when we returned, after a few months, I did find a Sedona booklet
that claimed that there was a "hot spot" near there ...

Well, six years lated, a couple stopped by from Long Beach and we happened
to discuss Sedona, and all the happenings there. She said that they had lived
there a few months over a summer, and she had worked at the Coldwell Banker
Real Estate office across the street from the Post Office. She said that all the
employees at the real estate office, and at the Post Office complained about
not being able to focus, headaches, and other (severe) problems that did
interfere with their ability to do their jobs - she in fact, left that job because
of it ... se said that they determined that a "negative energy" vortex was
there - it encompasses the Post Office, crosses the highway, where we did
observe the effects, encompassed the real estate office, in a very narrow
oval pattern, which then included a couple more buildings, then turned at
a sharp angle, and continues less east and more south for a ways, where
it approaches a river. She claims that it's the kind of vortex that "sucks" up
all the energy, and causes disorientation and minor havoc ... so there's the
confirmation - something paranormal happens there daily, and her husband
added these thoughts ...

He said that they explored in the surrounding areas, and there is a lot more
going on in the surrounding areas than at the 7 vortices in town .. in fact he
commented that outside the Post Office, when you're driving by, that if your
car radio is on, that the stations diasppear and the radio "hears" intense
white noise for a short distance ... "lots of EM interference", he said
I was glad to know that there was a means to measure the effect ...

He also said that in the outlying area there was something more powerful
than a vortex ... "What", I said ... "Those interdimentional DOORWAYS",
he said ...", doorways?", I answered ...

( more to come )