Here is an anonymous forum posting from two months ago.
The author contacted me - he is Norio Hayakawa. His website is at :
This is the most recent Area 51 article that we are aware of ... it is posted at :
This article was posted on The SPYder Web Forum on 2/1/98.

The second article was an e-mail attachment from Glenn Campbell from
Las Vegas, NV - The Area 51 Research Center . It suggests to 'stay away' from
Area 51 ...


Author: Anonymous
Subject: Area 51 Rumors not true...
Date: Sun Feb 1 00:37:04 1998


There is no truth whatsoever to the ridiculous rumor that AREA 51 and its
operations were abandoned and were relocated elsewhere, such as to Utah.

Basically, this rumor had originated from a disinformative article
written by Jim Wilson that first appeared in the June, 1997 issue of POPULAR
MECHANICS. The unexpected article no doubt was greatly "appreciated" by
Nellis AFB and particularly by those at the "remote operating base" at Groom
Lake. The folks at Nellis AFB probably rolled on the floor laughing over the
article on AREA 51, which was for the most part filled with factual errors
much to their absolute delight!! The June, 1997, POPULAR MECHANICS piece
also must have brought much delight to the then Secretary of the Air Force,
Sheila Widnall.

It is my hope that that type of misinformed article did not serve to
curtail the general public's interest in and rightful scrunity of AREA 51
(Groom Lake Complexes), particularly in regards to the issues relative to the
alleged infractions of environmental statutes at the site.

The article, written by Jim Wilson, science editor of POPULAR MECHANICS,
inferred that "the Air Force had abandoned top-secret testing at its once most
secret test site". Then Wilson came to the hasty conclusion and stated that
"we know why and we know where they moved to (i.e., Utah)". Nothing is
farther from the truth than this overly generalized inference. Jim Wilson,
despite his probable sincerity and good intentions, obviously missed the whole

To begin with, he obviously took a wrong turn on "Groom Lake dirt road"
and went to the wrong location. It was obvious from the photo that what he
did was go south on the "Mail Box dirt road" from Hwy 375, crossed the "Groom
Lake dirt road" and went further south all the way till he encountered an old,
poorly maintained wind fence, believing that he had arrived at the back gate
of AREA 51, when in reality he had arrived at the northeastern boundary of
Range 61. There he decided that nothing was happening at AREA 51, and made a
hasty statement, saying "the 'cammo dudes' are no longer patrolling the
perimeter of AREA 51" and further rashly stated that "what we found was a
securely locked wind fence that appears to have been undisturbed for months".

He further commented that even though he had arrived at the back door to
AREA 51, there was "no guard post". Brilliant!! (There never was
any.....ever at that location!!). He also stated in the article that the
"warning signs flanking the gate aren't very 'threatening' either". (The
reason for that is because there never existed any "threatening" warning signs
there except the sign that says NO TRESPASSING......Nellis Bombing Range). It
is because that location is not AREA is merely the northeastern
boundary of Range 61. Wilson then came to the rather naive conclusion that
"AREA 51 has shut down!!". Again, a brilliant conclusion!!

I suggest next time that he go to the right location......towards the
real Guard Shack area.....(west all the way on Groom Lake Road).......where he
may really encounter the "cammo dudes", white Jeep Cherokees and perhaps a
Blackhawk chopper or two to welcome him, if he dare go to the Guard Shack
area. He would also see some real "threatening" warning signs along the dirt
road that clearly says LETHAL FORCE WILL BE USED.

From what I understand from several reliable sources, Groom Lake has not
had a major lessening of activity whatsoever. In fact, there may be more
going on at Groom Lake now than before.

In October of 1997, I observed the Groom Lake facility from high atop
Tickaboo Peak and verified with my own eyes that the facility is not only
there but even thought that there may be slightly more structures out there
than before! A couple of new water tanks seem to have been added recently
behind the big hangar area. Also, deducing from a fairly recent, highly-
detailed panoramic photo that I acquired (allegedly taken several months after
the closure of both the Freedom Ridge and White Sides) I have no doubt that
there are some new constructions going on, particularly along the southwest
slope next to Groom Lake. (I had observed the Groom Lake facility a number of
times before from both the White Sides hill and the Freedom Ridge before those
hills became off-limits to the public).

Also, the night prior to the day that I climbed the Ticakboo Peak in
October of 1997, we were standing at the exact spot where Jim Wilson had around 7:30 p.m., at the northeastern boundary of Range 61. As
we were looking towards the direction of Groom Lake, we were surprised by a
sudden illumination of the sky just over the direction of Groom Lake and
witnessed around 3 or 4 reddish "balls" of lights that appeared over the
direction of Groom Lake and then disappeared momentarily, after which the sky
over that area returned to total darkness. I could not speculate what those
reddish "balls" of lights were......but this went on intermittently for about
three times during the next 20 minutes or so. There was no doubt that there
was activity of some kind that night at Groom Lake. This was in stark
contrast to the allegation by Jim Wilson that nothing is going on at AREA 51
and that nothing was going on when he was standing at the northeastern
boundary of Range 61, looking towards the Groom Mountains. Probably nothing
major was going on that was visible on that particularly day or evening when
he was there. Moreover, we must bear in mind that most sensitive programs are
thought to be conducted below ground level, to begin with.

Primarily because of the misinformative article from the June, 1997,
POPULAR MECHANICS, the whole world now seems to be under the impression that
there is nothing going on at AREA 51, and that everything had moved to the
Green River Missile Launch "complex" in Utah.

One of the erroneous facts that Jim Wilson mentioned in the June, 1997
POPULAR MECHANICS article was that there was an "officially named AREA 6413"
in Utah. There is no "officially named AREA 6413" in Utah. What he meant to
say was Restricted Air Space 6413 in Utah. However, even to this date, it is
my understanding that anyone can easily get right next to the Green River
Missile Launch "complex". I doubt that there is anything top-secret going on
over there. Rather than the Green River Missile Launch "comlex" (which Jim
Wilson seemed to have inferred as the possible site of the New AREA 51), we
should keep a closer watch on the new "non-lethal" weapons programs as well as
the new "bacteriological warfare programs" going on at Dugway Proving Grounds
in Utah. It is, by far, more "interesting" there than the Green River area!!

All in all, the June, 1997 POPULAR MECHANICS article was in such a
drastic contrast to the more well-researched article that coincidentally
appeared one month prior, in the May, 1997 issue of POPULAR SCIENCE in which
Groom Lake was mentioned several times, with an inference that there was still
plenty going on at Groom Lake.

Some of the ongoing programs at AREA 51, according to reports from the
Monitoring Times and other publications, seem to include a new series of B-2
follow-on by Northrop/Grumman at S-2, possible series of newer Darkstar (Tier
3 - UAV) by Lockheed at S-4 and Tier 2+ and Tier 3+ UAVs at S-9 by such as
Teledyne Ryan Aero.

In June of 1997, after the article appeared on POPULAR MECHANICS, I was
informed that some new components of new, small-scale VTOL produced by
Lockheed had just been transferred to Groom from Air Force Plant 42 in
Palmdale, California.

There is no doubt that there are new generations of Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs - remotely controlled surveillance platforms, etc.) being
tested at Groom Lake.

New testing of "skins" for outer coating for a new generation of stealth
program is going on as well, as inferred by the May, 1997 issue of POPULAR

A new generation of "electro chromic panels" are probably continuing to
be tested at the facility. A move towards "daytime" stealth capability (such
as through the use of special sensors for transmission of image reflections of
the background environment on the lower as well as upper bodies of the
aircraft) may be in the works at AREA 51.

I would not be surprised at all if they were working on such as limited
tri-dimensional holographic image maximization that could be integrated with
the "electro chromic panels" used to reflect background environment on the
aircraft not only to bring about "transparency effect" but also to bring about
image size distortion of the aircraft.

All this, in addition to several new black, triangular aircraft (such as
the alleged TR-3A Black Manta) that they may be working on.

Anyway, the point is that there may indeed be some new programs going on
in Utah and elsewhere, but to infer that AREA 51 "moved" to Utah is totally


From: GroomWatch (
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 22:56:49 EDT
Subject: Re: Hi Norio ... from radioman

Hello, Radioman

Thank you so much for your email.

Well, radioman, actually there is nothing to "see" at Rachel. Rachel is just
a small mobile-home type community of only about 100 people.
But it also depends on what you want to see.....or whom you want to talk to,

There are several workers of AREA 51 living in Rachel.

But other than that it is just a tiny tiny community, with one gasoline stand
and a restaurant (the world-famous Li'l A-le-Inn).
Without seeing Groom Lake facility, there is hardly anything noteworthy for
anyone to go to Rachel.
But it all depends on the person.

from Norio.


From: (Glenn Campbell, Las Vegas)
Subject: Visiting Rachel Nevada and the E.T. Highway

[Multiple recipients]

I often get email from people asking about visiting the E.T.
Highway and Rachel, Nevada, to view the happenings at Area 51.

The first thing I ask is, "Why?"

You must understand these things before you come:

1) There is nothing much to see here but empty desert. If you
enjoy deserts, you may like this one, but it is not much
different from other areas of the Mojave and Great Basin. If you
don't like deserts, you'll get bored quickly.

2) Rachel is just a scatter of mobile homes 150 miles from Las
Vegas. There is nothing much to see or do here. You can visit
the Little A'Le'Inn and the one or two other small stores in
Rachel, but that won't take long. The shops sell all manner of
useless alien and E.T. Highway paraphenalia, while good
information is hard to come by.

3) My own bookstore in Rachel, the Area 51 Research Center, has
moved to Las Vegas is now concentrating on mail order. We no
longer have a public office.

4) I have never seen a UFO -- and I lived 2-1/2 years in Rachel
full time. I and most of the longtime Rachel residents have
never seen anything in the skies we cannot explain, so you
shouldn't expect to either. There is certainly a lot of activity
overhead, but it is the ongoing wargames exercises out of Nellis
Air Force Base -- conventional military aircraft on maneuvers
that have nothing to do with Area 51. There are a lot of lights
in the sky that look like UFOs if that is what you want to see.

5) There is nothing to do along the military border except annoy
the guards, who are used to tourists by now.

6) Except on roads, the border is very poorly marked, and you
could easily wander across if you hike in the desert. If you
cross the border, you will be captured and fined about $600, with
little leniency given. You will probably lose any optical and
photographic equipment you have. In theory you could get as much
as a year in prison if you really piss off the base authorities.
(If you stay on existing roads and obey posted signs, then you
don't need to worry about crossing the border.)

7) Realistically, you cannot "penetrate" Area 51, and you are an
idiot to try. The problem is the 13 miles of open desert between
public land and the Groom Lake base. Only a skilled desert
survivalist approaching from another direction has any hope of
getting near the base.

8) If your car breaks down on any of the dirt roads here, you
could be in serious trouble, as it can be a long walk out.

9) Running out of water can be deadly. Always carry plenty if
you hike or drive on dirt roads.

10) You can see the Groom Lake base only from Tikaboo Peak,
requiring a 90 minute drive from Vegas, followed by a 1 hour
drive on dirt roads and 1 hour hike up a mountain. What you see
at the top are some VERY distant hangars (26 miles away) that are
not very satisfying (although the view of the surrounding desert
is nice). You will need binoculars or a telescope to see anything
of the base, which looks like any other Air Force base. Early
morning is the best time to view the base, since the sun is
behind you then. The peak may be inaccessible in winter due to
snow, and the mild climate of the summer is best.

11) You cannot see Papoose Lake from public land, except for
extremely distant views from the south.

12) Rachel and vicinity can be bitterly cold in the winter, often
well below freezing and with snow and fierce winds. Nights can
fall below 0 degrees F in January. Summer is more pleasant and
not unbearably hot, so that's the best time to come.

13) Local police are not very friendly to tourists and are known
for searching vehicles without cause. To avoid problems, you
should strictly obey all laws and speed limits while inside
Lincoln County.

Unless you are a hard-core desert enthusiast, the most that
Rachel and the "E.T. Highway" deserve is a brief stop enroute to
someplace else. In my opinion, there are more interesting places
in the Southwest to spend your vacation.

If you still insist on coming here, my Area 51 Viewer's Guide is
essential. It contains all the practical information you'll need
here, including tourist info, highway logs, Tikaboo peak
instructions, maps, etc. You should get it _before_ you come so
you know what to expect. The cost is $15 plus $4 priority mail
postage. (Overseas shipping is also available. See or call us at 702-729-2648. Credit
card orders accepted for prompt delivery within 3-4 business

I also recommend the DeLorme Nevada Atlas for any touring in
Nevada. We sell this for $16.95 plus $4 postage. ($5 postage for
both books.)

The only motel in Rachel is the Little A'Le'Inn, which makes
Motel 6 look palacial: Spooky bedrooms with shared bathrooms in
converted trailers. (It could be fun or downright unpleasant
depending on your mood.) 702-729-2515

There are also two fairly normal motels in Alamo: Meadow Lane
Motel at 702-725-3371 and the Alamo Motel 702-725-3336. Another
option is to stay in Las Vegas and come up to Rachel as a day
trip. (Rachel is 150 road miles from Las Vegas.) Vacation
Village is a favorite of mine in Vegas for its convenience and
reasonable rates: 800-658-5000. Finally, there are plenty of
cheap motels in Tonopah, and reservations there are not usually

You can also camp virtually anywhere in the desert, since most of
the open land here is public. (Just don't camp near a cattle
water trough; it is illegal because it spooks the cattle.) When
driving, always watch for cattle in the road, because this is
unfenced range.

I don't give commercial "tours" myself and never have. We used to
schedule free public hikes a couple of times a year, but these
have tapered off. (When we do plan any public events, they will
be listed on the What's New page at There are a couple of dubious
characters in Rachel who will take your money and take you where
you want to go, but it seems silly to pay for a tour that you can
do by yourself.

For general info on Area 51 see our huge website:

Popular Mechanics has claimed recently that Area 51 is shutting
down and moving to Utah. This is rediculous. For responses,

Glenn Campbell
Area 51 Research Center

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