Here is some e-mail, and some 'threads' from several discussion boards on the web.
I no longer practice reverse speech as a hobby ... I have since found several more
'direct' investigative methods to obtain truth.


Date sent: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 17:58:03 -0800
From: david oates
Send reply to: backwards@reversespeech.com
Organization: reverse speech
To: radioman@seasurf.com
Subject: ( deleted )

... BTW, where did you get your information on the site about the
location of Govt research into RS into the late 70s - I knew it had
happened but had no idea where or the details you uncovered - David ( Oates )


Date sent: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 16:52:30 -0800
From: david oates
Send reply to: backwards@reversespeech.com
Organization: reverse speech
To: radioman@seasurf.com
Subject: Re: Gov't RS in the '70s

Thanks! So my info in IOAM checked out hey - I did have it on very
reliable sources - the version in the book was heavily edited and
presented as a rumor rather than the direct info I received - I had to
be very careful how I wrote that book - David ( Oates )

radioman@seasurf.com wrote:

> RE : Government research into RS - nothing on the
> 'Net ... I carefully gleaned from I.O.A.M. that a Bay Area Naval Base
> was involved ( only one there ... ) I contacted 'Rob' on a recent
> visit home in September of last year. He confirmed what I found years
> earlier in libraries, that SRI in Menlo Park sub-contracted nearly
> all NASA-Ames Research Center at Moffett N.A.S. contracts - he had
> worked several, and heard of it, remote viewing, and other projects
> there at the time ... While 'Rob' wanted to talk more about the
> fighter-pilot LED helmet display / interface he last designed for the
> D.O.D., I did get general verification that that's where they did the
> work - no names, nor details, but your information can be checked out
> independently, and I suspect that many who are now retired, that
> would know even more ... 'Rob' now works in the private sector, in
> ( deleted ) , CA.
> Footnote : I met several SRI employees through ham radio
> flee-markets ... they were creepy in character, and the SRI radio
> club removed it's 440 MHz repeater from the Stanford Univ.
> radiotelescope site suddenly, without consulting their partner club,
> at Ford Aerospace. Rich told me that the employees hated all the
> channel activity on their 2 Meter VHF link with all of my friends
> discussing 'Art Bell' type subjects, on air, years ago. Not to
> mention my S.E.T.I. friends' long discourses. We 'Mad Scientists'
> eventually got our own V.H.F. repeater site ... Rich still says we
> had the best conversations he ever heard nightly. We were linked into
> L.A. and AZ ... can imagine the S.R.I. people really didn't want to
> hear the theories about things they were actually working on !
> J.
> 73's radioman
> radioman@seasurf.com
> http://seasurf.com/~radioman
> The SPYder Web Forum :
> http://disc.server.com/Indices/6979.html
> :{


fully intended to ( reveal above 'letters' and EVP )
Fri Aug 14 17:53:52 1998

(!--- IP address = ---)

...that is going to be discussed plus a whole lot more (Waco, Shadow govt contacts etc etc, naming names) - And perhaps you should also state on your site that you originally obtained that information for me anyway (and you subsequently expanded upon it obtaining more information) and it is fully disclosed in IOAM ---- as certain individuals seem to want to insinuate that I am hiding that information - like, er duh dude --- sort of like jashen claiming I am abusing the research and he has the real truth yet he quotes me ALL through his site - in fact I cannot see one original thing on his site - (except for his rather bizzare approach to the bible) - it all came from me and my work - and people wonder why I get so upset!!!!

And jeez - why did you post this in the first case anyway - for someone who claims to understand secrecy you sure messed up here by putting it out BEFORE the broadcast - why do you think I was deliberately vague in my post as to what I was going to talk about. You know that came from me originally. Next time can you please communciate stuff like that through private email and not blast it publically all over the net - you just significantly put me and my family at greater risk for the next few hours. I did NOT want that out before the show!!

I like you RM despite what other people think about you - you know that - we have had many chats on email - so please have greater faith in me and what I am doing and stop seeing plots and conspiracies when there aren't any.

You messed up this time



I apologise
Fri Aug 14 18:30:40 1998

(!--- IP address = ---)

..I shouldn't have come down on you so hard - theres a loty on my mind right now


Author: radioman
Subject: Alternate explanations ...
Date: Sat Mar 21 12:22:58 1998


Hi from radioman :
For the record, I think that David Oates is the undesputed expert in this new field, with 15 years experience ... As far as how, or why RS works the many theories are :

Collective Unconscious, Subconscious, Projection ( imagination ), Electronic Voice Phenomena, Spirits, 'guides', ghosts, angels, EMF fields ( microwave ) induced brain currents ( thoughts ), your 'higher self', or soul from the future, and clairaudience ...

Some of these ideas are 'old', others overlap RS, some are conclusions from other areas, such as 'remote viewing' ... whichever is true, I don't know - I will say that all of these need to be tested before being ruled out as 'cause'. Joseph McMoneagle says he doesn't care how it works, he just wants to get better at it ( remote viewing ). I did notice your reversals seem directed to YOU, personally ... so do mine. My current 'theory' is that through RS, some 'entities' speak to us, not unlike crystal balls, psychomantiums, ouija boards ... like it or not, 'spirits' and guides do contact us, even with deja-vu premenitions, or entire thoughts that previously weren't there ... I know, occult, but check out others like Robert Monroe - we're not crazy, just getting a little more info. from the cosmos ... think about it !

73's radioman


Author: backwards
Subject: The source of RS
Date: Sat Mar 21 13:34:38 1998


You know, this post raises the entire question once again of where does RS come from. As I have stated many times, the official approach is that RS is another function of language that can be scientifically analysed and proven to exist. It is obviously unconscious in nature because we have no conscious control over its formulation - based on existing published research, right brain activity also appears to be involved in its occurrence. However, all of these, and other, theories only describe its physical existence and function. They do NOT say what (or who) is speaking.

Personally, I believe it is "unconscious" - but what is the unconscious? Is it simply the human mind, does it touch other dimensions, do demons or angels exist in the unconscious regions? I don't think anyone has the answer to that. What does RS itself say though? I have always tried to mold my theories based on what RS itself has said, and keeping personal biases and beliefs out as much as possible. And what RS tells me, is that it is God and higher spiritual forces that influence the unconscious mind and spirit of man.

Reversals have said, "this is prophecy", "God is in the verse", "heaven is within" (all these reversals are posted on the site somewhere) In fact, eveything I have ever found backwards about its source says that it is the Godly spiritual world speaking through the unconscious mind. I have never found any reversals that say "Satan is speaking" or other dimensions, or ghosts etc. I have found Metaphors discussing behavioral strategies with each other, I have also found references to "they" or "them"

I think we should all be open in this area. What I would like to know is what other reversals have people found that discuss its source. I am not talking personal opinion here, cos none of that can be proven, but what does Reverse Speech itself say about who or what is speaking??

Any takers........



Author: michael lisanti
Subject: thank you
Date: Sat Mar 21 13:09:42 1998


I have web tv,and I can't enter the chatroom, so I
just want to thank you for your response Radioman.
I am amazed,I never knew spiritism and bump in the night things were being considered ... that list you
gave certainly would put a severely different slant
on ANY research. I have naively been under an assumption that we were dealing only with Scientific
and unknown facts about the workings of the brain to
process the Gestault of speech ... This puts everything in a totally different light. I think it would be hard to come to any conclusivness if you have to add in a "poltergeist" factor.thanks for the
inciteful response.

michael lisanti


Author: radioman
Subject: You're welcome ...
Date: Sat Mar 21 14:32:05 1998


HI :
Perhaps I should have added : "In my humble opinion" ... the only 'evidence' I can add is that in electronic voice phenomena, as I understand it, the phrases in the noise become clearer, and clearer each time they are played, and the 'clearest' when a tape is copied to another tape. Jackie and others have used white noise sources, running water, etc. as the background upon which the 'phrases' are modulated, so to speak. I think we are all talking about the same things here, and parapsychology is as valid a science as any other. McMoneagle had an 'out-of-body' experience, and near-death, tried to suppress it, initially. He eventually ended up as a 20 year remote viewer for the military, skepticism, and all. He and Robert Monroe are two people who have published a lot, and are more the skeptic/debunker mold - yet had experiences which 'changed their concept of reality' as they knew it. Out of sheer 'intent', I had a spontaneous remote viewing in a dream last August, where I saw a neighbor's house that was thoroughly remodeled into an expanded house, in an entirely different archetectural style - surely a 'nonsense' dream, yet so real - and I had moved to Oregon some seven years ago, some 1,000 miles away with NO contact to anyone in the old neighborhood, where I grew up 30 years ago. Yep, the sight of my rental car, parked in the middle of the street, with me staring at the house 'across the street' from where I used to live said it all. Weeks later, in total disbelief, there it was, a 'new' house, entirely rebuilt, as 'seen' in my dream three weeks prior to an unscheduled visit to the S.F. Bay Area ... In my life, this is but one of many paranormal experiences - which have taught me that despite being an engineer, and a science student in school, that my experience have 'removed all doubt' as to the paranormal, with the best personal examples from situations where I intentionally 'ignored' the warning, did the exact opposite ( in scientific skeptcism ), and time after time, paid the price for my 'disbelief' in immeadiate consequences. My point here, is the paranormal is real, measurable, and taken seriously in research in Russia, and other countries. While a stretch for anyone's belief system, reverse speech is not particularly paranormal, nor as 'far away' from scientific investigation as what I've dealt with in this lifetime ... think of all this in this way, science is only what is KNOWN, the paranormal is what hasn't been proven YET, and religion and spirituality are powerful forces that affect all of us, and probably will never be proven to exist ! Once you become 'open' to alternative science, you'll realize that the science of the future will look back and marvel at our 'dark ages' and wonder how we could not have known anything !

good dreams,



Author: backwards
Subject: common source
Date: Sat Mar 21 14:44:56 1998


Clearly there is an connection between RS and all these other phenomena. I have listened to EVP and have been stunned by what I heard, and the similarity with RS. Somehow they are all connected and we are accessing a common force. What is it? - David


Author: radioman
Subject: parallel dimension ?
Date: Sat Mar 21 15:56:40 1998


Hi from radioman :

My 'best' guess is that it's a 'parallel dimension' that, at times, partially overlaps our physical reality. Inhabitants of this 'plane' include :
spirits, spirit guides, elementals, recently deceased who won't 'move on', suicide spirits, unborn spirits 'waiting' for a body, ascended masters, those physically ill - near death experience, out of body experiences, and 'angels' - both kinds ! The common thread is that they are the 'nearest' to our physical reality as a 'being' can get. I believe we can all access this plane, though not always by choice, and then only for short 'bursts'. Apparently 'they' have similar access to us, from EVP reports. Perhaps my theory that physical illness and it's correlation to 'out of body' is valid. It applied to all major historical psychics, and religious founders - with one foot in 'another plane of existance' - which results in unusual, and usually unwanted states of consciousness ... like McMoneagle, I've had to deal with it also - and recently began to see such patterns in individuals with special abilities ( paranormal ) and their family history patterns of hereditary illnesses, and paranormal abilities ... and medically I was 'normal' as well ... I, for one, am grateful for the life-long paranormal abilities, at least now - as I've made peace with it, and have a common cause along with Edgar Cayce and others,as was my mom eventually comfortable with it - including the channeled 'automatic writing' I used to observe. I only wish I had the instruction manual from day one ! So, for those few of us 'blessed' ( ? ) with differences on the 'bell curve', whatever those differences might be ( telekinesis, psychometry, esp for me ), it is only the sum total of the human experience, with all the religions, and mythology that allows us to sketch a picture of these 'other realms' ...

73's radioman


All posts by Oates' groupies and his Jesus Freaks will be deleted!
Very Mad
Tue Aug 11 10:29:20 1998

(!--- IP address = ---)

Oates! I know who you are! You are the Antichrist, and I will not let you unleash your minions upon the earthl! Either you confess your sins before God and Man or I will release all the details about your extensive activities in Child molestation and kiddie porn, as well the location of the remains of the four people you offed in Dallas!!

Remember the people in your house as it burned? Yes!!! we am still here and still watching.

And a warning to all others who hang with Oates. You are being targeted as well. Stop your activities or suffer the consequences.

"The Boys"

Coming: Examples of Incongruity


All posts by Oates' groupies and his Jesus Freaks will be deleted!
Above threat FROM David Oates ????????
Tue Aug 11 19:43:35 1998

(!--- IP address = ---)

Hi from radioman :

??? Are things that dull ??? The above post was from :

U.S. Sprint USA ( NET-BLK - SPRINT - BLKB2 )

and furthur :

from :
  • pool-09.tfb.com


    The same return DNS as David Oates' office ... was it Jon ?, David himself ? someone else on his computer ???

    People, the 'boys' included - there is NO privacy on the Internet. Most of what you think is NOT true. The N.S.A. monitors this crap as well ( why ? ). With the presidential comission on critical infrastructure protection watching the 'net for terrorists, and death threats, why do some need to CREATE phony drama ? Geezzzz ... they call me the 'spook' ...



      Coming: Examples of Incongruity


      Now This is worse....
      Tue Aug 11 20:15:08 1998

      (!--- IP address = ---)

      I checked the IP of the "Boys" then the IP of Davids last post here on Hell entitled "this is beyond a joke" They are exactly the same IP number..... Do you know the odds of that happening even if the boys were on the same server.... I wouldn't bet against them for anything!

      both IP's..... check for yourself.

      Which simply means he posted them while maintaining the same connection one was posted at 10:29 and the second at 14:59.

      I don't understand why you'd do that David? Computers and paths don't lie. So.... whats up?


      Tue Aug 11 20:48:50 1998

      (!--- IP address = ---)

      I'm up in Canada posting remotely on my laptop. My main computer at home is in the shop getting serviced. This is really starting to chill me. I had a death threat a few months ago that came from the second phone line in my house when there was no-one home except for me and my kids - and a Bill Gates email scam at around the same time that also came from my own server.

      I have had alarms triggered at the office when there were no breakins and breakins with no alarms being triggered. A house fire with falsified fire dept logs and altered 911 tapes - and another fire last month which we managed to put put in time ---- and the list goes on and on and on.

      I know who "The Boys" are - see IOAM (Mexican Restaurant). This is getting very very scarey and I have cold sweats and chills as I type now.

      I know how this must look and all I can say is that I obviously deny all the allegations made in that post. I did not make that post. Why on earth would I want any more rumors like that floating around about me - there's enough of them now as it is.

      There is something very very bizzare going on here. If it is what I suspect it is, then I don't know what to do, and there is some serious trouble brewing on the horizon.

      What I previously thought of as RR and the coincidental arrival of both Jashen and Mel's sites, are suddenly beginning to take on ominous overtones. ---- and who is mx who says that he is Mel doing a university study??

      David ( Oates )


      I see all the posts are gone too
      Sat Aug 15 12:02:48 1998

      (!--- IP address = ---)

      I guess we have our answer of where the "death threat" came from on Mel's site - sleazeball posted it herself and then changed the IP - Did I catch you by surprise by going public with it last night hey Mel? Better get rid of the evidence fast, don't want any REAL experts like FBI crime lab and tracking systems checking that one out! Don't worry plenty of people still have it.

      Also noticed that Jashen still has not retracted his!! And this is the man who accuses me of intimidation - Mmmmmmmm.

      It always amazes me how debunkers and self styled moral guardians of society lie through their teeth, twist facts around to the max, and sometimes straight out manufacture facts to expose the "con-men". I haven't been to an Oates debunking site yet (and theres been a lot better ones that Mels) that uses accurate information. They attribute things to me that I have never said, and pull out obscure things that are totally out of context to get their "point" across.

      Please - get real people! At least use truth when you attempt to expose a non-truth!! Jeeeeeeez - the hypocrisy is mind boggling.


      re : reactions ...
      Wed Sep 16 13:42:27 1998

      Hi from radioman :

      A year ago when I started, my first reaction was
      excitement, and little sleep for two days ! Imagine the 'keys to the universe',
      or the 'Rosetta Stone'. After months of finding EXACTLY what I was looking
      for I became suspicious of my results. In talking with others, comparing results,
      etc. I decided to keep looking for 'other methods' for truth. Reminds me of
      occult dabbling in the '20s. First reactions are mostly enthusiam ! ( With cor-
      responding physiological reactions ) Remember, there's no 'free lunch'. And
      adding tools to your medicine bag is a good long-range philosophy. And
      sometimes simple solutions are best ...

      Good Hunting,

      73's radioman


      A common reaction
      Wed Sep 16 15:28:55 1998

      That is what nearly everyone finds for the first 1-2 years - EXACTLY what they
      expect to find. It takes at least two years of research to get past this bump and
      begin to document information outside your personal range of experience. That
      is part of the self protection aspects of RS - it never lets its secrets go until we
      have first learned to step outside of ourselves and document independently - part
      of the ability to do this is the ability rto see yourself as you erally are - warts and
      all - and not many people are willing to do this. It wasn't until 1988 (after 4 years
      of work) that I finally began to hear my own stuff in reverse - up until then my
      reversals said I had no faults - also up until 1988 I only found reversals that
      supported my own world view (findamentalit christian at that stage). From 1988
      onwards, I began to document with more neutrality and independence.

      Everyone goes through this!! hang in there for a lot onger than 2,3,4 years and its real secrets will begin to emerge.

      David ( Oates )


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