UPDATED : CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHIC by 'radioman' INTRODUCTION : Since my 'quest' started 11 years ago at one of the East-West Bookshops, followed by posted flyers, classes, and ultimately meeting other psychics - I understand the value of books, and am grateful for all those who have provided me with food for thought, but at this time, with the Internet so available, I have no real desire to publish anything, despite some 965 pps of text and some 1965 links on my website (PSYCHICSPY.COM), nor am I selling books, tapes, videos, classes, seminars, or lectures - for the last 7 years I've been keeping a web 'journal' of my journey so that others might be inspired to do the same ... Remote Viewing is a small part of something older, Remote Sensing and even Reverse Speech is 'Remote Hearing', or Clairaudient Psychic Ability - and Medical Diagnosis, NUMBERS, even the Internet and searches can be done by psychic means, despite what Ed Dames and others say ... Joe McMoneagle was the closests with his 'future time shifting'/higher self theory - it has worked for me for the last seven years ... ORIGIONAL ARTICLE : I have been asked to share some of my experiences about psychic ability. I firmly believe that it is something that we all have in our lives. It's been a lifelong ability for me, one that I've only come to accept recently. As they say at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, "You are not crazy, you're just psychic !" Today I am a Reiki Master (III) an an Ordained Minister. I have told some of these personal stories on the Internet before today. I created the website PSYCHICSPY.COM, and have been using psychic abilities to 'find' things for my News Service. My long newsletter says that about 5% luck, 20% psychic ability, 25% tools and 50% perserverance account for my success so far. I won't discuss what I do on my site other than to say that Donna Quinn and I have been friends for some years, and in addition to some 1700+ links on my site, Donna and I became acquainted at the time 'Strange Universe' aired, and I was adding hundreds of 'paranormal' links to my site. I am an independent researcher, and a former electronics technician. Donna and I were both interested in Reverse Speech back then ... Looking back, it's odd to some that I've 'recently' become interested in the Paranormal. Many know me from the Internet Resources I've collected, or from my background in radio, electronics, or the press. Usually I end up defending my interests with skeptics on the 'Net and some think I've spent so much time researching the Remote Viewing area that I now 'think' I'm psychic ;-) Major Ed Dames once said, " ... A head shrink (he was hired as a consultant) at CIA was tasked to study my military team, looking for those criteria that 'make the best remote viewer' (CIA was very covetous of the Army unit (Project Stargate, et all) in the early days but, for political reasons, could not have its own, until virtually nothing was left of the operational unit -- then it got the scraps). After batteries and batteries of tests, the bottom line: there are no key recognizable selection criteria. ( for remote viewers ) " While I now believe that we all ALL psychic, early on in my life I recognised that I had the 'gift' then, but was in total denial, to the point of 'receiving' psychic warnings, totally ignoring them, even to the point of doing the opposite, then experiencing the results. My mom was the neighborhood version of 'Jeanne Dixon'. A good Catholic, she had 'inherited' the psychic abilities from her family, and was well known locally for giving 'advice'. This actually did escalate to the point of a Jesuit priest being sent to investigate her abilities, including 'automatic writing', where she would channel the 'Old Testament', in massive channeling sessions. While NONE of her text ever differed even slightly in meaning from anything in the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, yet word-for-word wise none of what she wrote, in the manner that she wrote it, was ever IN the Bible either. It was as if she was receiving 'dictation', as dizzying speeds, usually with tears in her eye, writing feverously, sometimes on the table as opposed to fresh paper, followed by the phrase, "Well, what did I write ?" Sometime it was hard to make out the exact words, but it was clear to me at an early age that she had no knowledge of what she had just written ! A Jesuit priest was sent to investigate her abilities. While he could not disprove that which he had himself been a witness to, he was reluctant to file the official paperwork on his results. He ended up taking a leave, and followed up by leaving the Church. Mainly due to some personal conflicts in his field, the issue of having to 'debunk' my mother's abilities proved 'too much' to ask, and he later thanked us for helping him make his choice, indirectly, and coming to terms with his own faith ! While it's true that I never showed any signs of doing 'automatic writing', I did show signs eventually of clairvoyance, clairaudience, psi & general ESP, and telekinesis as a child - which may have made my mother happy, but caused me great pain and conflict growing up with my interest in Science and Engineering, and not wanting to be particularly 'special' in any way. Since I tried for most of my life to suppress these 'abilities', I have no idea how far I'd have come by now if I had only been more open to all of it. So suppress, I did, despite many 'psychic warnings' and precognitions into my early '20s at regular intervals. At age 36 I had an early 'mid-life crisis' where I was moving to another State, where no one knew me, or had even heard of my family, and I realized that I could re-invent my past and never let on anything about psychic ability if I wanted to. Of course the experiences continue to this day, and I decided about 10 years ago to accept the 'gift', and try to develop it furthur, which has in fact caused some of the hardships my mother went through. In my case, some local redicule where I now live, and having been made an active suspect in a local FBI investigation for a day after some of the psychic information I offered in a missing child/murder case here was verified some 72 hours later after the FBI followed other leads to the body of the missing child. If anyone wants to read more about the incident, there is a lot more on my website specifically about this case. I mention this as part of INTENT, which seems to be the first and primary 'activator' of psychic ability. In this example, the whole town was trying to find the girl, and I was a former member of the local Sheriff's Department Search and Rescue Unit - seeing some of my friends canvass the neighborhoods, as well as the entire town, there was a lot of interest and INTENT in finding the girl then. I had made a statement, which included some help of another one of the remote viewers from the Internet. P. Hopkins, in Canada helped me do another 'session' to recover even more data about the missing girl before I went 'public' with what I had. I wanted to have some corroborating evidence/data from a second viewer, who I contacted through the Psi-Tech Chat Room, who helped me greatly understand what I was 'getting'. My wife independently received additional info, as a psychic herself, and warned me that the girl had been recently deceased, and confused about what had happened to her. I only offered what little I had, and, yes - she had met with foul play and was deceased ! The girl's spirit was so strong and clear that I now have some feedback as to what to 'look for' when trying to determin whether a spirit is 'alive' in a body, or not. Feedback sessions played a major role in training Military Remote Viewers, and as a newcomer to some of this, I'm still learning. As Joe McMoneagle said, the data is usually correct - how we choose to interpret it is what gives the psychic a bad name ! In summary, some of my worst fears have been realized, and this outcome shows why being an 'out of the closet' psychic can be undesirable, and why I suppressed the ability for so long. The good news, as explained in McMoneagle's MIND TREK diary, is that there are possibilities for good, too, and you should try to develop YOUR ability, with less worry about what 'other's will say', or 'think'. Again, we ALL have these natural abilities to some degree, and it's quite 'impossible' to 'turn it off' completely, as I had tried to do for so long ... Today I am in contact with a national organization made up of Police and Private Investigators who do their psychic investigations for free, as a public service. I met recently someone who did psychic investigation for the Hayward Police Department in California, in the San Francisco Bay Area, who's only qualifications were classes we had both taken at the Berkeley Psychic Institute to develop our general abilities, not specific to missing persons ... I also had realized that I have the additional ability, or natural talent for psychometry : sensing information from a person's object, such as a ring, while taking classes at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. Usually I get more information about the artist who made the jewelery than who recently wore it, sometimes to the extent of the actual artist her/himself, the artist's tools, studio environment, even an abusive spouce ... but that's another story. Suffice it to say that my abilities went far beyond any classes/training I've ever had, and the ability to relax, focus, ground and run 'energy', and 'open' one's mind to 'input', in a meditative framework is all that you might ever be taught. The psychic abilities, if positive, focused, and with INTENT, will follow afterward, and may just surprise you ! As a licensed/bonded Locksmith, I realize that lock picking is a good practice exercise for one's telekinesis abilities, in that concentrating 'too hard', stressing, or following a 'system' will result in failure -vs- visualizing the lock is 'already open', smooth, flowing, and effortless. Meditation will quiet your mind from thoughts and worries, INTENT will open the door to real 'input' data, and impatience, frustration, thoughts of 'silliness', as well as skepticism will cause the 'door' to close, and you to fail each and everytime ! The road to developing the Psi talents we all have is long. There is much help from people on the Internet like Ellie Crystal, and Joni Dourif from Psi-Tech. The networking use of the Internet alone ( forums, chat rooms, e-mail, etc ) may save you hours of searching writings like Edgar Cayce, or the Theosophical Society, and hopefully website like mine, at www.psychicspy.com may save you years of pinpointing resources on the Net as well. After the last ten years, I have no real regrets, although having done nation talk-show radio interviews, I'd prefer to remain out of the spotlight these days, and teach and pass on what little I've found learned, and accumulated so far. The truth IS out there, but the drawback is that you have to want to look ... INTENT - there's that word again ... Here are some more recent stories of mine, and hopefully you will be excited enough to try some of these things for yourself ... OR you can be afraid and say, "this might not be for everyone ... ". Indeed ... Psychic Medical Diagnosis : I had the opportunity to do a 'psychic reading' on my dentist. There I was, in the chair getting worked on, under mild anasthesia, feeling great, and relaxed, and looking at 'why' he has chronic neck 'pain'. Knowing that his MD hasn't any answers, neither has a chiropractor, and he's tried massage, and was inquiring to me about acupuncture, it appeared to be a chronic stress/work related 'thing'. He grilled me about the benefits of some different approaches to pain management, like acupuncture, and I realized he's nearly ready to 'try anything' - and - he gave the needed 'permission' to find an answer. After looking at the situation, the clear psychic medical impressions, as to the root CAUSE of the recurring pain, was : "The neck pain is resulting from work-induced posture problem caused by a PERCEIVED vision problem, not an ACTUAL vision problem ..." After he recovered from the shock at seeing his real 'picture', he admitted that new dentistry techniques has him 'scrambling' to always 'see' better while he works. The added mental focus on 'seeing', as well as his posture straining needs to be helped and corrected at the source - exactly how he chooses to do his work. If done without the worry at the lack of 'seeing', the posture WILL improve and pain disappear ... it's as simple as that. He had been to many professionals, but none had correctly been able to define the problem, or offer a suggestion as to a 'cure' ... Is the psychic ability a 'time shift'? Here's a reply I made on a forum about Joe McMoneagle's theory about 'time-shifting' and Remote Viewing. I've been digging deeply into the history of RV'ing , and am currently a TRV student of Major Ed Dames program at Psi_Tech ( ex -DIA STARGATE Program ). Some of my success at finding the things that 'cannot be found' results from luck, intuition, winsock tools, and Programmer's Techniques. When using Search Engines, I have found a way to reduce, by psychic means, the huge number of results to a few critical ones worth investigating. I contend that 'Psychic Surfing' is an offshoot of Remote Viewing, and Remote Sensing, and the whole Time-Shifting idea of McMoneagles makes a great deal of sense, as much as external spirit guides who pass on information as well. Joe Mc Moneagle suspected he was doing a 'future time' shift, and that he says accounts for his abilities. In MIND TREK, his book, he even gave a few examples of how he did time-shifted Remote Viewing outside the protocols, and was 100% accurate, but in the wrong 'time'. I tend to agree with that - our 'Higher Self', seems to 'light up' with a DeJaVu excitement when we first find something seemingly meaningless. I do that with hundreds of Search Engine results on the 'Net. I 'see' one or two items, at first meaningless and ordinary, that I somehow 'know' later on, in time, will be quite a find for my website. I used to do those last, now I do them first and save looking at the other 98 links for every hundred search results, because I know that, in some future time, that I will be excited about that 'find', even though at-the-time it's seemingly random and meaningless. McMoneagle uses that very approach as a professional Juror Selector too. Like looking for the one CD on the shelf that 'glows' brighter than all the others - the 'finds' can actually jump out at you, and McMoneagle seems to have had that ability to slightly 'time shift' before ANY of hi remote viewing training ! Keep in mind here I'm talking about a 'gestalt', or general impression, or DeJaVu. While I get audible and visual 'data' sometime in this case it's a 'yes/no' pick on a total 'direction', whick makes zero sense if I had to justify why I picked this over that ... Joe Mc Moneagle goes on to talk about the 'higher self', or 'soul' as the source of all this. It's possible that 'we' are telling ourselves things in the past, or from a greater 'dimension'. Yet this doesn't need to exclude God, Angels, or Spirit Guides either. There are 'many voices' out there. Some are easier to 'hear' than others ... Remote Viewing Richard C. Hoagland : Tue Mar 9 14:34:12 Here's an example, like the missing child case, where INTENT, and the focus of hundreds of people simultaneously helped ... "Last night ( Monday ) I heard the announcement on Art Bell's show , and promptly turned the radio off to persue a new 'remote sensing' session - data follows :" "I saw Richard in a special area as of 3/8/99 around 10:30 PM PST. It was not a room, nor an ICU ward. It appeared to be a surgical prep area. (?) Richard was on a gurney, with some life support,most noticeably a nasal tube. The area was small and cramped. There was a large white dividing curtain, as if a small 'holding area'. He was not conscious, perhaps under anasthesia, or comatose. He was NOT deceased, but low life signs. The scene did not reflect massive life-support machinery. His medical chart had a paper in the front. All I could 'view' was TOXICOLOGY REPORT ... I could not glean any more details." "According to the website, surgery was planned for today. I believe that is not the case. I believe emergency surgery began last night, as the only explanation I could achieve for what I 'saw'. Again, he was still alive at that time. I believe details since last night are being witheld. As in the case of the missing girl, it seems more is going on than we are told." "I'll leave it at that. I was told by a medical source this morning that a toxicology report is standard procedure right before surgery. It does not necessarily imply any sinister 'conspiracies' as to introduced 'toxins' that may have caused a heart attack ... " "In all fairness, it was probably a test to evaluate any possible allergic reactions to anasthesia, or other elements to be introduced. Conclusions, are that surgery has likely already taken place as of last night, and he didn't look too good." In another story, here's an example of what happened in my own child- hood. Usually it was something like not going out, because of an ambulance was going to pass by in 5 minutes, or hesistating because a long-distance phone call was coming in a few minutes, etc. What follows here is a recent experience which was a quite useful kind of a 'warning' I was not expecting : "Two days ago, while parked in front of the Post Office, I heard a 'voice'. (NOTE : I have a lifelong record of clairvoyance, clairaudient ability ...) The voice said : "Don't get into the car ...". I turned around, after hearing that so clearly, to who might have been standing behind me. There was no one there ... again, "Don't get into the car ..." "This time, with no one around, I recognized the voice as my own, inside my head, same as you might experience when reading something to yourself, quietly, not aloud - the 'imaginary' voice we all have inside our heads, usually in our own speaking voice. My reaction ... ahh, bologna ! I continued fumbling around pockets for the keys, and thinking, oh well ... wonder where that came from ... Then I 'heard' : "Don't get into the car ..." . Why I think ? then, came the only thing that I would respect then, an explanation, "The car WILL be hit ..." "from behind", and "there will be NO damage ..." "Weird - not my usual psychic abilities, nor a spirit guide, but a warning nonetheless. Time for all this : less than a minute. I looked around, hesitating, expecting to see a racing car from around the corner. I even had time to walk halfway to the corner and look ... I'm on the sidewalk ... nothing, and no one moving when I began to notice that about ten feet behind me, as I had stood next to the car door again, there is a little old lady in her small station wagon. She is trying to start her engine ... her car is now 'drifting' forewards - this is it, I suppose. She has her head between her knees ... is she ill ? Did she drop her keys ? Her car starts ... good, I think - brakes don't work without power, usually these days. She continues to drift foreward ... I try to wave my arms, get her attention - collision emminent, even at 0.5 MPH. She looks up a couple times, keeps drifting foreward nearly a car length now. Do I yell ? She seems unresponcive. I look around, no pedestrians." "I have the time to actually jump in the Jeep, start it and drive off - she'll just hit the car in front of me ... her speed is gradually increasing. What do I do ? Thank God I'm not at the rear hatch, between the two vehicles. I'm watching the area for passing pedestrians, wanting to 'warn' anyone else crossing to not be behind the vehicle that I'm still standing next to. Time seems incredibly slow in passing, as if I'm in a sort of 'hyper-time', where I think 10 minutes has passed, but only a minute or two, at the most, has elapsed ... I then consider that my knocking on her windshield, as a warning - unfortunately a bad idea, since she might actually become startled and perhaps hit the gas pedal - that would be worse ! This is it ... seconds slowly moving that seem like hours, her car drifting, drifting, then ... bam ! Yes, the car was hit, from behind, and, yes there was NO damage at all. She 'woke' up, startled ... I checked both bumpers - nothing. The transmission of the Jeep, in park, was undamaged ... she apologised profusely. I'm glad no damage was done and no one was hurt. Also glad I avoided the 'jarring' I would have had if I had been behind the wheel ..." "There you have it ... could I have done anything differently ? Don't think so. She was in good 'command' of her vehicle as she drove away, and I left also to go to the office ...still ... When you get a message - a psychic one, what do you do ? After a lifetime of deliberately ignoring them, and then seeing the consequences, I have taken all of them quite seriously for the past 10 years or so, and persued psychic traing via the Berkeley Psychic Institute, among other places. Could it be my 'higher self' ? Angels ? Guides ? Myself in the future - as McMoneagle says ? Perhaps - but to ignore warnings is criminal. We all get them, some from dreams, some 'visual', some 'audible', some just 'knowing' ... PLEASE keep an open mind - the Universe just might have a message for YOU !" As a final story, the "Psychic '50s Drive In" : I was travelling past Hood River, Oregon, and caught sight of an old, origional '50s type "Drive In" Diner, so old in fact, it may have been built way back in the late 1940's. We had stopped at a rest room, and I was looking at this old Diner, and in particularly, it's large sign pilar. I commented that the name had been changed from the origional. "Why?", she said ... "See the shape, it's large, like a Bob's Big Boy, or a Dairy Queen - the lettering, while old, doesn't fill up the entire sign width.", I said. "Want to eat there ?", she said, knowing that I was having some sort of psychic experience about this place across the street. "Sure", I said. We parked next to it, and entered the diner. As we approached the front counter, something was 'wrong'. We sat and were handed menus. The place was clean, repainted several times, but it was obvious it was origionally there a long time - a working diner, not a 'restoration project', or a re-creation of a bygone era. Again, I felt 'funny' sitting there at the counter, and she said, "Do you get any impressions from being in here ?". I was getting many, which is odd because I never 'do' that sort of thing, but flooding in was a lot of information, and I really wasn't sure of the current day, or even the year. She was enjoying my situation, and said to relax and try to deliberately do a 'reading', and 'see what I get ..." Well, a lot of things, perhaps real, past time, or imagined flooded through, but I had to ask about the counter. It was an "L" shape, with the main section running lengthwise, and the turned part, where we were sitting, at a 90% angle. "I don't think we should be sitting here", I said. "Why", she asked. "Because I feel that this counter shouldn't be 'here' ", I replied. After being served our burger and fries, I asked about the 'floor plan'. The waitress, who had been there years said that, yes, the place had been remodeled, but many years ago. By now we seemed to be drawing a small crowd of employees. I asked if this counter was 'new'. "It was added in the '60s during a major remodel", the waitress said. I told her that origionally the counter had stopped where it turned, and that we were eating in the kitchen area a place where we 'weren't supposed to be'. "What was here ?", she asked. "A large fridge was here in this corner, next to a smaller type of refridgerated cabinet, like a pie shelf, display food storage area", I said, wondering if she thought that I had been there many years ago. Never having been there, she asked, "what else ?" I said that there was an electrical box under this new additional counter, in the corner where the Fridge plugged in ... "This counter", she said, "was added back in that '60's remodel to make more customer space". "If you look carefully at this counter top, it doesn't exactly match the red color of the origional counter there", she added. I hadn't noticed, but was relieved that the counter we were sitting at 'wasn't there' before ! We mentioned that I was an 'amateur psychic', which fairly ended the talk about the restaurant, with more food orders waiting. I really began to look and saw that the backs of appliances were facing me, and that the origional entrance was on the other side, and the table and the counter areas were added to a smaller building even earlier. My own impressions seemed 'on target' so far. Later on I was able to visualise someone named 'Tony', who was a daily visitor who was later offered a job there, either as a janitor, part time cook, or something. It seemed that everyone liked Tony, and it was a '50s hangout, complete with a working Juke Box and all. 'Tony', as I think he was called, had always parked in the other lot, in the second parking space. That was 'his' parking space, and no one else ever parked there when he wasn't there. Tony was a few years older than High School age of most of the patrons back in the '50s that I was seeing. His car was especially a 'prize' - a converted Model A 'Street Rod', with a custom engine, quite valuable even then. Usually some of the other 'Rods' parked near or next to his car, from the second space from the end down towards the middle, in the front. I never saw who the number one space did belong to, but I think Tony, out of respect for the diner owner, never wanted to park there, so I saw it as vacant, with the rest of the odd 'pecking order' of frequent cars, most of them not 'hot rods' parking furthur down the lot. It was clear many thought of this as 'Tony's Place', but I had no particular impressions if he ever became an owner later on, or had moved away. It was as if I was viewing one day in past time, and the impressions of the guys and gals who frequented the hang-out. Remember that 'Tony' was one of the draws here, and while I can't rule-out some 'past life' information, I did get such strong and vivid impressions, it almost seemed like memories, yet I was a very young child in the early '50s, so it wasn't any of "my" memories, I am sure of. The more I tried to 'fill in the blanks', the more impressions that I got. It differed from an old episode of "Happy Days', in that it was 'real', not stylized, and that items like the 'number two parking space', the electrical box, and fridge, etc. could not have been taken from an observation of a remodeled sign, or a 'newer' counter that didn't match the origional color. While the story about 'Tony' could have been imaginary, I can usually tell if my thoughts begin to follow a Hollywood script, or constantly surprise me with things I am 'not thinking about' at the time ... Remember my initial impressions are what started all of this embarrasment for me, and while I'm sure I was just another of a long line of 'entertaining customers' in the restaurant's history, I felt quite sure of the information at the time. Upon leaving, all literally returned to normal, and I left whatever 'time warp' I may have entered even momentarily. On my website, there is a similar story about a short three day visit to Sedona, AZ, and how years later I compared some of what I sensed to what another couple had experienced there too. These things seem to come 'without asking', and are vivid. Usually my INTENT is what decides if it's just a passing DejaVu thought, or there is a 'flooding' of information that follows. Time seems to change it's 'running', and I seem to 'know' when something important is 'up'. In the case of the Diner, yes, it's still there today, and the more of these experiences I have, the more I realize that the impressions that are the most 'vivid' may involve deceased spirits, or those no longer 'here' in present time. I believe the 'spirit' of Tony might actually be haunting that Diner, and I'd bet that others get similar information to what I 'received' as well ... I hope these stories will be a source of encouragement to you to 'try' your own natural abilities, to begin to experiment, and develop. If nothing else, it may help calm any fears you may have had in your lifetime with things that seem to be 'unexplained' ... In closing, I should mention that a lot of education is now available through the Internet. Dozens of Remote Viewing Schools, classes from various psychic disaplines, and even on-line psychic readings and tarot card readings too. Software exists to test for PSI and ESP, in predicting future events from truly random selections. And don't forget all that research from Russian ESP/Parapsychology in the '70's, through Project Stargate and the latest in university research. Don't forget networking, chat rooms, e-mail, and some newsletters too. In this time of the 'New Age', it's as easy to get free psychic training as to find satellite photos of Area 51 - it's all out there on YOUR internet. Don't overlook that unusual person in your town as well - the are still hundreds of stories which never get told, printed, or placed on the Internet. All of us have some built in ESP, hunches, and 'vibes' ... the good news is that we are all psychic too ! 73's radioman webmaster@psychicspy.com http://psychicspy.com ARTICLE UPDATE : Here are two more recent stories in the continuing journal of psychic experiences ... On Waco, Texas : I was on a chat-room discussing general things last Saturday, and someone named "TwoKnives" dropped in. He knew the lady I was talking to, and had been following our 'psychic' conversation for a while. It had been discussed that I had registered my website as a 'news service' and had added Ordained Minister to my credentials, as the topic had centered on psychics and law enforcement that day. My friend and I were quite absorbed in the topic, and I was giving her a 'reading' over the internet when 'TwoKnives' said hello ... Being in a 'reading state of mind', I was aware that he wanted to say something. I sensed a familiarity, and he told me that he was a minister as well. My friend left after telling me that I used the chat-room as an excuse, and I wasn't there to 'spread gossip', but to 'find direction', and other spiritual purposes, under the guise of 'chat'. TwoKnives answered that he would again be working on rebuilding the church this weekend. He seemed to want some reaction from me. I told him that I wasn't aware of his project, nor did I know where his website was. We exchanged website URLs and knowing my chat program would save that web address, I told him I'd look at it later on. I sensed that he wanted a 'reading', so I began ... I told him I saw a 'community center' rather than a church. He assured me that it actually WAS a church they were rebuilding. I added that it either would be a 'focal point for the community' a 'meeting place' and more than just a traditional church. He seemed pleased, but offered no details. I added that he was discouraged lately. He agreed, and I said that 'soon' that there would be a great deal of interest in his church. He said that the town was 'gone', and the only remaining building was part of this church, so they were rebuilding it from there. I said that I lived in a remote part of Oregon, and I could sympathise with small local 'projects'. Again, he added nothing. Seemed 'TwoKnives' might be a Native American, but I would be just guessing from his 'handle'. I went on to assure him that there would be great interest in this re- built church, from people OUTSIDE his local community, and that in addition there would be outside funds becoming available too. He seemed more encouraged, and admitted that working on the construction was somewhat depressing without too many 'helpers' and supplies. I again 'saw' quite clearly, a 'community center', a 'focal point' for those who live near there, and that something good would result from all their efforts - and they would not be unappreciated ... Later I checked out the website : http://skyhouse/home.texas.net/waco.html ( which is now www.rebuildthechurch.com ) I was very surprised to see that the site of this rebuilt church, is the Dividian property, in Waco, Texas, and the photos nearly show his description that 'nothing remained' of the town, just part of the church building. It was THE place destroyed in WACO, TX that we all saw on TV news after the tradgedy ... the news item is that the church, and the town there are being rebuilt, with donations from around the world, according to their website. Small world ... Psychic Car Diagnosis : January 2000 My wife's 1969 Cadillac Convertible just arrived from Arizona and I had done some general maintainance on it - the usual stuff, when we realized that the convertible top didn't work. The car dealer assured us it was a new top, and we wondered if there was something damaged in transport to Oregon. More likely, like some of the other mechanical problems, it hadn't worked in some time honestly. I consulted the Internet, as an 'oracle' and discovered there were problems with small motors used for electric windows moving a huge convertible top. Logic implied the motors were the problem. A mechanic friend did suggest that there was a relay which actually enabled the motor and swapped motor windings to reverse motor direction. Also that there was possible an inline fuse, or fusable link which would fail if the convertible top ever got stuck ... so the quick search of available information suggested that a proper way to troubleshoot the system, since the car had a new battery just installed, was to start at the rear, checking fuses, wires, motors and relays and working toward the front of the car ... My psychic 'take' said 'NO', and I began to completely disassemble the dashboard, removed - without testing - the directional dashboard switch and cables assemble, THEN used a multimeter ( borrowed ) to test the switch - which was completely dead. I replaced it with a $6.00 switch and reassembled it all and the convertible top works correctly on the classic car. There was no particular reason to begin to take apart the dashboard to remove the switch, other than 'it seemed the right thing to do' - I even later took it apart to verify the failure, and determin it's polarity function to find a proper replacement. The Psychic Ability again scores a success - a repair shop would probably not found it so easily, or began replacement without any prior testing ... In short, psychic 'hunches' work ! radioman webmaster@psychicspy.com END