EVP Revealed !

Here is an article from Ellie Crystal - written 8/14/98


Working with Alex
by Ellie Crystal on 8/14/98

Yesterday afternoon Alex and I stood on my terrace
Our meeting was a lesson in understanding the
physical and mental aspects of calling in, locating, and
filming unidentifeid flying objects.

One of the most important apsects is the understanding of what
we see --and don't see-- due to our education / indoctrination
on the planet. We believe that if we see something that is our
reality then it is real. This is not correct as I am sure you
already know!

One of the lessons we learned is that we can not always trust our
human senses. After appproximately 2 minutes of mental
contact we were ready to try to see the electrical portals they use
to enter our time and space.

This was the first time I thought I was connecting with them
but I quickly realized that we all seem them much of the time
as have always been are still are part of our experience on the
Earth plane. They are not scary or from another planet or
any other weird stuff you may think of.

Simply put --they are from here the same way we are
spirit form 'there'. In other words this is their space and
we are the visitors.

One of the first signs I saw was several 'squigglies' kind of lines.
Next Alex pointed out the 'columns' of the "squigglies"
and I said, "Is that what that is! I have seen that all of my life!"
They look like white verticle squiggly lines.

They also moved in various directions...as I watched in

Once we found the 'squigglies' we mentally told them that
we see them -->to come closer and bring their friends! (giggle)
A couple of minutes later there were ORBS and plasma craft
all over the sky!. (Photos to be developed today)!

This is what Alex taught me and everything in me feels it to be true--"
The appearance of the ORBS is the first stage of entry,
into our time and space. After their appearance --
depending upon their flight characteristics or missions
they may instantly appear as the classic 'flying saucers'
or other shapes as thet can 'shape shift! How cool is that!

They can change apearance seemingly at will because
They are made up of an electrical plasma overlay which is on
top of a hull or shell which is typically called an air frame.

These electrical overlays allow them the capabilities of traveling
through time and space. This overlay allows the fabric of space /time
to be altered--which is where my work will overlap with theirs.

I had an instant realization that they are connected to the crop circles
as based on the article Diahann sent us last week
wherein the Japanese media photograped
at night over the circles. Further Alex said, there is a new
form of cimmunication which is much like a crop circle
except it is a crop circle type image that is formed in the
sky. He calls this "Sky Circles / Sky Writing". Sky writing
is an image which is created by the flight pattern of an ORB.
Sometimes the patterns stay a few second.

Much of the time they are given as proof to those taking the
pictures that we can no always trust our senses.

This reminds me of a time 3 years ago when a researcher named
Marc Whitford, from Va., showed me pictures of white streak
across the night sky in upstate New York. (I posted those pictures
at the time. Will try to find them.)

They also showed us plasma crafts in the form of dots of light
or streaks of light.

In other words--if you have at some point seen a quick
sparkle of white light energy --or a streak of energy--odds
are you have just seen an ORB traveling at a rate above
30,000 miles an hour which is just above our visual perception.

I just realized that the readers who have reported seeing
balls of white light floating the homes are seing the ORBS!
Ah Ha!

To read more about this please go to Alex's home page
Click Here
Alex would appreciate feedback on this information.

To continue.......
We both sensed a mental connection to the craft as we took
pictures in the skies over Manhattan, and the Verrazano Bridge.

The entities in the craft --he believes are not biological-- but
are electrical life forms. (See info on his site). He believes
we are equal to them in intelligance. We both believe that
all life in the universe is equaly as all things in universe
are connected.

After a time, Alex and I came back into my apartment.
As we knew that they were around, Alex showed me a
form of electrical noise communication / ICS (Interdimensional
Communications Systems). ICS uses electrical 'noise'
which appears to us to be a random patterns of electric noise --
static--or hiss. To facilitate this type of contact--we tuned
to an unused channel on my TV. Yesterday we used Channel 12.

Now there we sat on the couch with static coming from my TV.
This was 1:00 pm--gosh darn--time for "Days of our Lives"!
But I knew the energies were too great to miss the
"Days of Ellie's Lives"! Was Roman Brady's adventure more
significant then the one I was having! I decided to tape the show
and watch it later. Actually aren't we all living in a soap opera
who's program is about to end.

We made sure that there was no signal on the TV.
What we were listening to was the background 'snow static'
on the TV--the hiss! There is a component of this electrical
noise that many other life forms use as carrier signals for their
communications. This means that the noise is their medium
to communicate with everybody and everything. There is a
component of this electrical noise everywhere in the universe
that anyone can tap in to.

We trusted in them to answer our endless questions.
(How did they know I talk a lot!). We chatted for about 30 minutes.
We mentally asked questions and waited for a responses.
The responses came in one of 2 ways--
physical auditory (through the TV) or telepathic.

There was no sense of intrusion nor forboding.
We called 'them' to 'play'--- and they came.

We did not go onto a ship not did anything manifest for
us other than streaks of light in and out of the room.
They have manifested for Alex in the past. He reports that
they basically look a cross between a ghost in form
(heavy smoky appearance) and what he calls ET angles.
They can vary in appearance as they are electrical and can
shape shift as do their crafts.

They have been around since the dawn of creation.

At one point a flash of light shot through the room causing
the TV to have electrical interference.
I felt the light was a ship that scooted through the house.
It shocked me for a split second then made me laugh.
They were doing tricks for me! Very cool!
Alex called the ship 'Piloted Intelligence".

They shared information about who we are as a form of intelligence.
They know the human race is undergoing a major transition
and basically want to make sure that they are not forgotten.

"Life is electricity and electricity is life."

Alex was sharing some of his pictures with me.
He scanned the one I like best.
This pictures was taken this spring over Alex's house.
The image shows a triangular formation of ORBS flying in close
proximity to the Concorde which was about to land at Kennedy.

When Alex need pictures for media--they ORBS will be there!
