Ed Dames Predicts Another Disaster: This Time From The Sun Or, What Makes Eddie Run? Wes Thomas MINDCONTROL-L@sonic.net On the Art Bell show Tuesday night, Ed Dames reported on a Psi Tech remote viewing study predicting a catastrophic solar event that will endanger all life from heavy solar radiation in the "April 1999-ish" timeframe. He also predicted a possible precursor high-intensity solar event in December 1997 ("Don't look up"). Since Dames has not produced any evidence of Psi Tech's forecasting capabilities and has an admitted background at DIA in military intelligence, we should analyze what possible psyops strategies were involved in putting out this bizarre message. Here are a few speculations on possible strategies: 1. Part of a U.S. civil defense strategy for a coming domestic crisis. Creating a sense of catastrophe would make people more controllable by the government and justify herding them into underground shelters. If the DoD were expecting bioterrorism events in that time frame, a solar event would create a disinformation cover story for underground herding. See http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/prolif97/index.html for the DoD's just-released report on biological, chemical, and nuclear warfare and domestic counterrorism strategies. Dames was a specialist in biological warfare for a period of time in the U.S. Army. 2. Dames has also predicted that a capsule from the Hale-Bopp comet would land in Africa and unleash plant pathogens, wiping out all plant life in December 1997. As I have pointed out, this could be a cover story for a predicted (or planned) global biowarfare event using (human) genetically-engineered plant pathogens. Dames described these coming events as a gardener coming back to recycle the crops, curiously similar to the Heaven's Gate metaphor. 3. Justify a star wars program or use of HAARP to allegedly build a hypothetical protective shield around the planet. Or serve as a cover story for a planned star wars-type war. Dames talked about x-ray and gamma rays as the threat, and these are two of the technologies in Edward Teller's mad Strategic Defense Initiative arsenal. See Karl Grossman's The Wrong Stuff and http://www.sonic.net/~west/cassini.htm for an analysis of star wars technology coverups and the hidden role of Cassini in promoting nukes in space (power source for star wars systems). 4. Serve as a cover story for a global space-based mind control program using x-ray and gamma radiation. ("Mind is the final frontier." -- Psi Tech motto.) 5. Serve as a cover story for some mad plan to harness the Sun's energy, using geohydrodynamic energy coupling, for example. Your thoughts? Wes Thomas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message From Ed Dames Tuesday, November 11, 1997 Dear TRV Trainee, I will continue to make myself personally available for near-real-time BBS TRV tutoring until Easter, 1998, after which time I shall disappear from sight to engage exclusively in Project STARMAN. I do not plan upon resurfacing. After March, 1998, the primary BBS TRV technical support presence will be PSI TECH's Chief Operating Officer, F.M. Bonsall (the Third) and (later), Patrick Duda, our new Webmaster -- my last trainee-cum-"sorcerer's apprentice." For real-time TRV guidance and information you may, as always, drop in at our "the bar's always open" chat room, where PSI TECH's Vice President, Joni Dourif ("Pele," as you wee hour chat denizens know her) will be serving answers to your immediate TRV questions -- straight up, or on the rocks. PSI TECH will begin shipping Module 2 in early December. I encourage you to study hard and hit me with your best. You have approximately 4 months remaining to avail yourself of my personalized instruction. Plan/anticipate accordingly. Respectfully, Edward A. Dames President PSI TECH, Incorporated "The unexamined life is not worth living" -- Socrates "The examined life is not worth living, without beer" -- E. Dames ("Remember Me" -- God)