Technical Remote Viewing
Technical Remote Viewing Training and Resources PSI TECH Main Page Technical Remote Viewing Training and Resources
Technical Remote Viewing® - Generation II Training Course

In 1989, PSI TECH International shocked the world by taking a formerly top secret military intelligence technology and availing the public and private sector with a ground breaking information gathering tool - Technical Remote Viewing. This was unprecedented. For the first time, a scientifically repeatable battle proven teachable and learnable psi technology that allowed everyone to have access to virtually any kind of information on demand, anywhere in time and space, was unleashed upon the public. In 1993, PSI TECH began training leaders in industry, science, law enforcement and government with a rigorous eight day Professional Development Course. The United States government formally declassified their military remote viewing unit two years later.

PSI TECH has always steadfastly held the position that this is a skill that everyone has a right to learn, regardless of their career or background. With that principle in mind, our original TRV video training course was developed
and released in 1997 and sold to the general public – a historic first. People from
all walks of life and all age ranges could now learn TRV without having to leave their
homes and travel to receive personalized training with a live instructor. During the
last four years we closely monitored the progress of our tape trainees via our TRV
Online Classroom and correspondence from our customers and we continued to
evaluate and refine our training techniques.

Last year, PSI TECH merged with Mind Tek Research, a company which specializes
in the development of learning and mind technology and accessing higher states of
awareness through revolutionary patented processes. We have now achieved another first
and have improved our remote viewing training system using learning techniques pioneered by Mind Tek’s founder, Dane Spotts, and the training experience and skill of our President, Joni Dourif.

Though no one else has been able to copy or match the effectiveness and the success of our first generation course, Joni and Dane have now created the absolutely best remote viewing training system you can purchase anywhere and we continue to lead the field that PSI TECH first exposed the public to eleven years ago.

We are proud to announce the 2nd Generation Technical Remote Viewing Training System.     Next Page  >>

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