
November 02, 2004
Web of Lies : Tamara Lai

Web of Lies

Web of Lies

We all have our own versions of the truth, just as we will all have our own interpretations of Tamara Lai's 'Web of Lies'. By slicing up her poetic texts and emails to virtual correspondents, and adding visual and audio material, the artist has built a series of 'interactive shocked movies' examining the distortion of reality and virtuality, hopes and fears. Some patience is required to explore fully the subtly-changing layers that at first glance appear obscure and random. When a search for the ideal lover abruptly gives way to images of atomic explosions, one has to consider the distance of reality from fantasy - and wonder how 'real' is either form? Whether clicks yield truths is tangled in Lai's Web: get crawling.
Helen Varley Jamieson /

Posted by stunned at November 02, 2004 02:09 AM
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