
June 22, 2005
99 Meditations on Chords and Colors : Andreja Andric

99 Meditations on Chords and Colors

99 Meditations on Chords and Colors

(Internet Explorer only)
Classical music has been created in an informationally poor environment. The people from 17th century and before were not acquainted with noise. The loudest sounds were thunder and church bell. In such a world, any new musical information must have been refreshing and exciting. The 20th century was significantly noisier. The Internet (and our age of informational pollution as well) in general is definitely the noisiest environment so far.
Consequently, the music for the Internet and our century should rather open new empty spaces and create new silences. The understanding of silence expressed by this work is an inner silence that blocks the noise from outside, and a rest from informational bombing.
The work consists of 99 HTML pages. Each page is connected with all the others. Each page is completely filled with one color and plays one chord of unlimited duration. The observer enters and chooses any page out of 99 pages offered. If its atmosphere satisfies him/her, the observer remains there long enough. As the time passes, the perception of individual vibrations of the chord changes. Here, the observer is the one that changes with time, not the music. In any moment, if needed, the observer may choose another page that complies better to the current mood.
The musical result of such an interaction with this work is either one chord or several chords of very long durations, like an electronic "ison" (ison is a long sustained note, often encountered in medieval orthodox church music).

Posted by stunned at June 22, 2005 01:44 PM
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