
April 19, 2005
The Prosthetic Component Interface Series : Andrew Bucksbarg


The Prosthetic Component Interface Series (2002)

Prosthetic Component Interfaces are interactive media objects. PCI playfully simulate the interfaces of futuristic, electronic components in pixel form, similar to the interfaces in an application's GUI or a home stereo. The user explores the PCI Series and the PCI respond to the user's mouse actions with pixel mechanics and sound. Without any practical application, the PCI function like "interface candy" or audio-visual toys. Just as an infant interacts with a plastic device manufactured by toy companies like Fisher-Price, the Prosthetic Component Interface Series involves discovery and the user's performative organization of sonic and pixel forms. Fisher-Price describes their Bee-Bop Buildin' Spinning Tunes Activity Table for children nine months and older as, "Spinning discs, fun music, silly sound effects, and lots of activities add excitement to stacking and building fun! One side features five different areas of musical motion with up/down, round-and-round, tippy top and wobbly action! Busy activities include a flap to flip, roller balls, spinners, and drop-through play." The Prosthetic Component Interface Series function similarly, for children nine months and older.

Posted by stunned at April 19, 2005 04:12 PM
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